
01/01/2018 - Governance

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January 01, 2019

The government institutions form the pillars of democracy in India. In this context discuss about any four institutions that require great transformation to strengthen the foundation of Indian Democracy. (200 Words)

Refer - Business Standard

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IAS Parliament 6 years


Institutions in a democracy plays crucial in representing the views of common people and help enable to take rational decisions at appropriate level, thereby preserving the dignity of citizens in society and serving them to attain the goals enshrined in preamble in all possible manner.

Insitutions that needs transformation

1. Election commission of India:

·        It has the responsibility to conduct free and fair elections, lays foundation for Indian democracy by conducting the elections in a transparent manner, so that candidates desired by the people get elected and represent people in parliament of India.

·        The commission need reforms in transparent funding of political parties, rejecting candidates with pending criminal cases, synchronising simultaneous elections etc.


·        It is often called the national legislature where representatives elected by people assemble and take crucial decisions for the well being of the people.

·        The productivity of parliament sessions is progressively decreasing as per the survey conducted by Association for Democratic reforms.Repeated adjournments and protests are cited as major reasons for deciling productivity of parliamentary sessions.

·        Priorities need to accorded to the bills pending the parliament based on their merit along with constructive and robust debates.


·        It is one of the most important institution where people have their trust in government and plays important role in delevering social, economic and political justice.

·        According to National judicial data grid, approximately 3 crore cases are pending in lower judiciary.

·        Transformation of judiciary lies in transparency in appointment of judges in high cout and supreme court, reducing the pendency of cases and filling the vacant post in judiciary at all levels, specialization in lawyers and judges to dispose the cases effectively and effeciently.


·        This is institution has greatest responsibility of enforcing law and order in their respective jurisdictions.

·        Frequent clashes, protest taking toll on lives of people,recent Amritsar tragedy is a painful example, where carelessness in police administration resulted in tragic disaster.

·        Transformation must focus on implementing court directives of Prakash singh case2006, reducing the stress level of police officers, work hours in shift mode to get adequate rest, basic amenities for women personnel and narrowing the gender inequality in armed forces.