
03/01/2019 - International Relations

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January 03, 2019

Discuss the relevance of SAARC in not only transforming and integrating the South Asian region but also strengthening India’s neighbourhood policy in the geopolitical arena.  (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

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Sandeep 6 years

Kindly review

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good answer. Keep Writing

IAS Parliament 6 years


Union Ministry of Power issued set of rules for the flow of electricity across South Asian borders.  In an atmosphere of regional intrigue and mistrust, it is a rare and recent example of pragmatism,leads South Asian electricity trade in progressive directions and boost to India’s neighbours in an area of political and economic importance.

Relevance of SAARC in transforming and integrating south asian region

·        Tying South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries together with cross-border energy flows began to gain steam with substantial power trade agreements between India and Bhutan (2006) and Bangladesh(2010). These were driven by India’s need for affordable power to fuel quickened growth in a recently liberalised economy.

·        SAARC Framework Agreement for Energy Cooperation and the India-Nepal Power Trade Agreement in quick succession laid the contours of an institutional structure that would allow private sector participation and facilitate market rationality in electricity commerce. 

·        The creation of the South Asian University in Delhi in 2010, by the member countries of SAARC is a significant step towards promoting regional development in the area of higher education. The university attracts students from all member nations and its degrees are recognized by all eight SAARC countries mus be given greater focus.

Strengthening neighbourhood policy

·        Newly elected governments in Maldives, Nepal, SriLanka provides huge opportunity for India to play greater role in SAARC, isolating Pakistan need to be done away with for strengthening the neighbourhood policy.

·        South Asia has a great potential in Tourism Industry which can be enhanced with help of Project Mausam by India, gives greater focus on cultural integration.

·        India’s most potent tool is its soft power. Its successes in Bhutan and Afghanistan, for example, have much more to do with its development. New parliament for Afghanistan, hydropower projects with Bhutan.

India should coexist with projects that do not necessitate intervention, while formulating a set of South Asian principles for sustainable development assistance that can be used across the region.

Nandadeep 6 years

Please review.thanks

IAS Parliament 6 years

Include recently released guidelines by India to ease the flow of electricity across SAARC. Keep Writing