A long-term plan and deployment of adequate resources are imperative to handle the locust swarms and protect the agricultural sector. Elaborate (200 Words)
Refer - Business standard
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IAS Parliament 5 years
· The way the locust menace is exacerbating and spreading to newer areas clearly indicates that the country is fighting a losing battle against this winged invasion.
· The locust monitoring wing of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), which keeps track of the breeding and movement of locusts, had cautioned India way back in April that a major locust assault was likely in May-June.
· Its latest alert warns that the locust count could swell 20-fold in the monsoon season unless extra effort is put in to restrain them. The damage due to locusts has so far been limited to summer vegetables and pulses, besides trees, because the kharif sowing is yet to begin.
· Desert locusts, being prolific breeders and voracious eaters, are by far the most destructive of all the known pests. They are good fliers and can cover over 150 km in a day, if aided by winds, to move rapidly across countries and continents
· The invasion of southern states is not ruled out. Sadly, the country does not have enough basic locust control equipment like ultra-low volume sprayers, specialised aircraft and drones, sprayer-mounted tractors and other gear needed for large scale locust control operations.
· This is forcing local administrations at many places to deploy fire brigade vehicles to apply pesticides on trees. Though the farm ministry has set in motion the process of buying more such devices, their delivery would obviously take weeks, if not months. Huge devastation would occur by then.
· India would have to fight its own battle against the locusts. A long-term plan and deployment of adequate resources are imperative for this purpose. Otherwise, the agriculture sector, which has managed to withstand the coronavirus crisis, might succumb to this unrelenting scourge.
Aradhana Tiwari 5 years
India faces the worst locust attack in decades amidst Covid-19 pandemic. Having arrived in India through Iran and Pakistan, the locusts have not just registered their presence in the border states of Rajasthan and Gujarat, but in the interiors of Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh as well.
Creating loud noises by using 'DJ Vehicles', beating drums, tin containers, metal plates or spraying insecticides/pesticides are the temporary steps - used to control locust attack. Permanent control measures are as follows -
- Bio Control : Control by natural predators and parasites are limited since locusts can quickly move away from most natural enemies. The most effective controls were natural ones: crows, mynahs, bustards, vultures and other birds all congregated to feast on locusts.
- Farmers needs to switch to crops that can be harvested much before swarming season, therefore, the locusts themselves can be controlled and killed with pesticides.
- Monitoring for locust breeding is essential as it is much easier to destroy eggs than fully grown locusts.
- Extensive research and use of technology is needed regarding to biological control and other means of non-chemical control with the current focus on pathogens and insect growth regulators.
- Coordination ;
* Between centre, state and local authority :
Centre's Locust Control Organizations, state agriculture department officials and district administrations needs to coordinate and under take control operations on regular basis.
* Between different nations : Our govt needs to regularly coordinates with South-West Asian countries like Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan where locust attacks are a common phenomenon.
- Battling its worst desert locust outbreak in decades, India needs to order new equipment like - insecticide spraying machines, helicopter- mounted spray systems to curb the fast-spreading swarms, drones for effective locust control, as per requirement during different days.
- Ensure adequate stock of pesticide (Malathion), organophosphate chemicals with Locust Control Organizations.
>>> Conclusion :
A long-term plan and deployment of adequate resources is the demand of the hour as locusts- if effectively not controlled in time, resulted into an unprecedented threat to food security and thus, to livelihoods.
IAS Parliament 5 years
Good attempt. Keep Writing.
Sanjeev Kumar Singh 5 years
My humble request to sir /mam please ethics/essay/ static portion also includes.if may be possible no.of questions 3 or 4 .
aswin 5 years
please review.
sir/mem please include Ethics&Essay questions.
IAS Parliament 5 years
Good attempt. Keep Writing.