
09/01/2019 - International Relations

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January 09, 2019

ASEAN provides a positive example of how regional groupings of diverse nations can facilitate greater cooperation, and its success may be a useful template for the Indian Ocean nations to explore. Discuss (200 Words )

Refer - Financial Express

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IAS Parliament 6 years


·        The main achievement of ASEAN has been the maintenance of an uninterrupted period of peace and stability during which the individual Member Countries have been able to concentrate on promoting rapid and sustained economic growth and modernization. Today, Southeast Asia has a total market of about 500 million people and a combined GDP of more than US$ 700 billion.

·        Increasing of consumers’ awareness on food safety has prompted ASEAN to give strong attention on the use of agrochemical that resulted residues on treated agricultural produces. 

·        The promotion of sustainable forest management (SFM) is of the utmost interest and priority to ASEAN Member States. This has led to the formulation of guidelines where it can be used as references for Member States in developing their respective country-specific national criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management.

·        Under the ASEAN German Regional Forest Programme (ReFOP), the ASEAN Forest Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) had been established. It is recognised as an effective information tool, particularly in providing an electronic database and e-discussion template in support for activities of the ASEAN cooperation in forestry, ranging from forest certification process, ASEAN common position in international forest policy processes, implementation of CITES, and exchanging information on ASEAN herbal and medicinal plants and R&D matters.

·        To develop the important aspects of regulating GMO, ASEAN is implementing initiative on ASEAN Genetically Modified Food Testing Network. The Initiative is to assist ASEAN Member States to better utilise existing national resources on genetic modification and food safety, as well as gain better access to information on developing GM testing capabilities for food.

·        Establishment of comprehensive guidelines on disputes settlement among member countries peacefully.

Applying the blue print of ASEAN for Indian Ocean Nations

·        Requirement of strong co-operation at all levels from the countries.

·        Investing considerable effort strengthening the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), the region’s only ministerial-level forum and which includes 22 member states. The IORA is an important vehicle for advancing cooperation in maritime safety and security, women’s economic empowerment and the blue economy. 

·        Frequent naval exercise by the member countries to handle the issues of piracy, human trafficking, illegal trade in wildlife occurring in Indian Ocean Region.

·        Investing in Research and Development to provide accurate early warning about occurrence of Tsunamis, volcanic landslides in Indian Ocean.


Nandadeep 6 years

Kindly review.thanks

IAS Parliament 6 years

Include few major achievements of ASEAN and apply them in case of Indian Ocean nations. Keep Writing