
10/01/2019 - International Relations

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January 10, 2019

Should the respective interests of major powers like India and China in securing the stability and the balance of power in Asian region be a zero-sum game? Analyse (200 Words )

Refer - The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 6 years


Not a zero sum deal, need cooperation

·        India support to China’s role in international negotiations on Afghanistan, the activation of the SCO-Afghanistan Contact Group and other mechanisms of dialogue and cooperation for restoration of peace and development in Afghanistan.

·        For its part, India has certainly contributed much ‘soft power’ ranging from telecommunications to education. The building for the National Assembly was built with Indian assistance to support Afghanistan’s democracy has earned it goodwill and popularity.

·        China-Pakistan Economic corridor’s success lies in the cooperation from India and Pakistan, as it seeks energise the economic link with Central Asian countries providing employment opportunities in disputed PoK region.

·        Co-operation From India, China is the need of the hour to solve the border issues along Line of Control along Himalayan region to prevent problems like Doklam issue in future.

India needs to be Competitive

·        China’s heavy investments in Indian neighborhood affects the stability of balance of power in Asia exposing the dominance of China.

·        So small countries like Bhutan, Nepal needs help from India to counter the dominance of China. The dominance can be seen in context of South China Sea where China’s Individual interest going against verdict of Permanent Court of Arbitration.

·        Further BRI initiative gives more access to Indian Ocean Region which pushes India to be Competitive against China in securing the  stability of Indian Ocean Region.

·        China’s String of Pearls approach in surrounding the sub-continent continuously alarms India(China’s hold over Hambantota port in Sri Lanka, Chinese Naval base in Dijibouti) to have a edge over China in Securing the stability in Indian neighbourhood.

India’s Foreign policy towards Asian region has to be a mix of limited Competiton and more Cooperation with China to have equilibrium in Balance of power in Asia.

Nandadeep 6 years

Kindly review.thanks

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try to frame the arguments about whether India and China needs to be co-operative or competitive? Keep Writing

V Ajisha 6 years

Kindly review it. Thanks! 

IAS Parliament 6 years

Also mention about the competitiveness of India in context of balance of power in the Asian region. Keep Writing.