
11/01/2019 - Governance

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January 11, 2019

The latest Global Right to Information Rating has ranked India at the sixth position a rank lower than last year.In this context analyse the performance of Right to Information act 2005. (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 6 years


According to the Global Right to Information Rating report, Scope of the RTI Act, requesting procedures, exceptions and refusals and measures taken to promote the Act, scoring just above 80 percent points.

Reasons for good performance

·        A change in the attitude of the people is a crucial factor responsible for the success of the Right to Information Act in India.

·        Awareness and consciousness among the people led to the success of this Act.

·        Exposing the scams in the functioning of Government, Adarsh Society Scam, the most controversial scam of 2008 year. This scam opened up the linkage between high profile army officers and politicians.

·        The people are united, organised and aware of their surroundings and their preventive capacity to fight against corruption and unlawful activities.

RTI lacking in its performance

·        Transparency International India, which carried out the survey found increasing vacancy in multiple state information including Central information commission.

·        Despite a push for digitisation by the government, most states are yet to make RTI accessible online.

·        An information commission can only recommend steps to the public authorities to promote conformity with the law weakens the information commissioner.

·        According to the Global Right to Information Rating report, India performed worst under the section "Sanctions and Protections".

·        The Indian legal framework also does not allow access to information held by private entities which perform a public function.


Nandadeep 6 years

Kindly review.thanks

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good Answer. Keep Writing.