
12/01/2019 - Polity

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January 12, 2019

There are various gaps in India's Parliamentary procedures. Discuss the methods and procedures that India should learn from the working of British Parliament. (150 Words)

Refer: The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 6 years


Gaps in the Parliamentary Procedures

·        Presence of Anti-Defection law which acts as an obstacle to express the views and conscience of MP.

·       In India, most votes (other than Constitution Amendments that need a two-thirds majority to pass) are through voice votes — just 7% of other ills had a recorded vote over the last 10 years. Indian Parliament lacks record of votes in most of the cases.

·        Independence of the speaker is not secured in India, in many cases Speaker of the house mostly favours ruling party.

·      The rules of procedure of the Lok Sabha require every Bill to be circulated at least two days ahead of introduction, but bills are not circulated in prescribed time period.

       ·        Frequent adjournments in Parliament affects the healthy debates and discussions.

·         Insufficient time and research support to examine Bills

 Methods and procedures to be learnt

·         The absence of an anti-defection law, so that each MP can vote her conscience. We need to amend the law such that Members can express their views without fear or favor.

·         Votes passed in the parliament should be recorded and managed properly.

·         Securing the independence of the speaker to act fairly and honestly.

·         Yearly Calendar for the Parliament to improve the productivity of sessions.

·         Prevention of bills, by-passing the parliamentary committees.

·         Healthy cooperation from political parties to solve the complex issues in society


RABINSON 6 years

Indian pariamentary system                       India has a unique and substantial form of parliamentary system and the parliamentary procedures, which holds a novel identity among the parliamentary frameworks across the world.

               The Indian parliament continues to survive and exist even today, is a great achievement for the Indian democracyIt can be even said that the Indian parliamentary system is an achievement of the trust of the Indian people and their resolve to make the Indian democracy as a success.

 However the recent amendment that is the 124th amendment indicates the failure of parliament to review a proposal with proper accountability.

Antidefection law

 1.The absence of antidefection law in the British parliament makes the MP to vote according to his interest.In the indian parliament the voters cannot go against the party.It gives a harmony within the members a party during voting process.

Accountability to people

2.In British parliament the way MPs voted is recorded but in case of India there are many voice votings and it is not recorded for accountability to the people.

Independence of the speaker

3.The independence of the speaker is secured in British to motion against the government.In India there is no Independence for the speaker to motion against the government.In this condition the speaker may not be able to question when the  parliamentary procedures are trespassed by the government.Unlike The British parliament insist the speaker supremacy in the House.But the supremacy of speaker may become a threat to people's aspirations.

The proper review system of speaker or a chairman by supreme court can make the accountability to people more secure.

The anti defection law should be regulated to use only when there is a danger to the government.Unless it can be used to manipulate the voting procedure and it gives chance to take decisions against the aspirations of people.

IAS Parliament 6 years

Include points like frequent adjournments, insufficient time for examining bills. Keep Writing.

Sandeep 6 years

kindly review mine

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good Answer. Try to post good quality images. Keep Writing

Lakshmi ramanujam 6 years

Kindly review my answer...

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try discussing about the gaps and the lessons India should learn from working of the British Parliament, not the procedure followed in passing of bills. Keep Writing.