
14/01/2019 - International Relations

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January 14, 2019

Discuss the controversy surrounding the name of Macedonia and what Greece stands to gain. (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 6 years


Controversy over the name of  Macedonia

·     Parliamentarians of the Republic of Macedonia voted to change their country’s name to the “Republic of North Macedonia”. The move now awaits approval from Greece’s Parliament.

·      The change of name, if cleared by Athens, would pave the way for the small republic to enter NATO and the European Union.

·      Neighbouring Greece has objected to its name all through, suggesting it implied the Macedonian republic’s territorial aspirations over the northern region of Greece.

·     For the Greeks, Macedonia is significant as the cradle of Alexander the Great’s empire. Insisting that the name apply only to the Greek region, the Greeks have been blocking the Macedonian republic’s entry to NATO and EU membership.

Greece's gain

·         Territorial aspirations of Greeks in northern region will be protected if the name is changed.

·         Entry of Macedonia into NATO and EU will bring peace and prosperity to the Greece.

·         As Greek economy suffers from problem of hyperinflation economic integration of Macedonia with  EU is an indirect advantage to Greece.

·         An unique and historic opportunity in solving one of the oldest disputes in the region.

·         Greece vowed to block the nation’s bid to join NATO, this will be the first step on a path many hope will lead to membership in the European Union.

Sandeep 6 years

Kindly review 

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try elaborating about the gains of Greece; impact on its inflation problem, about issue of Greece being integral part of EU or not. Keep Writing.

RABINSON 6 years

Former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia which is also known as FYROM has a dispute with its neighbour Greece over the name Macedonia.

It is more controversial than just a name,it is also about the ethnic identity of Macedonians.

The northmost region of Greece is also called as Macedonia and FYROM is also want promulgate itself as Macedonia,this is where the dispute occurs and they think FYROM suggests the territorial claim of skopje over the Greek region of Macedonia.

This issue came to prominence in 1991 when FYROM declared it's independence from Yugoslavia.The disagreement of Athens blocked Skopje's attempts to join NATO and EU.But after 2017 this issue is getting closer towards resolution.

Domestic disagreements at Greece 

The issue was decided to resolve by giving a new name to FYROM as Republic of North Macedonia.

Even though the countries Prime ministers signed the agreement there is no harmony inside the Greece, especially the nationalist agitations prevented the referendum to get pass in the Greece parliament.But the FYROM parliament had already ratified this notion.

But the alliances of ruling party at Greece is not ready to support this notion.They feel that it is a threat to ethnic identity of Macedonians and the Great Alexander's majesty in the history will lose its significance.



The transfer of FYROM to Republic of North Macedonia is also considered as nothing to do with the country's heritage and history.

Just like new Zealand has no rights or objections over Zealand.The new name for FYROM is suggested only for a naming identity not for a ethnic identity of Macedonians.

If the referendum passed successfully in the Greece parliament Greece would give up its objections for FYROM to join in EU and NATO.It will be identified as Macedonia and the residents will be called as Macedonians.

NATo and EU leaders support the implementation of agreement and it has the ability to bring peace in this region of Europe.

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try including problem of Greece's hyperinflation, whether it will be addressed or not and issue of Greece joining EU or not. Keep Writing.