
Bilateral Relations

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October 30, 2017

Emerging geo-political landscape in the South Asian region is more complex and requires deft handling by India. Discuss

Refer - The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 7 years


Afghan calculations

·         U.S and Afghanistan have expressed a desire to enlist India’s support to bring the Taliban to the negotiating table and as well as checking Pakistan’s influence in the Afghanistan.

·         For U.S, courting India is also useful in balancing the increasing Chinese presence in the region, including in Afghanistan.

·         The U.S.’s disagreeable statements about Pakistan are intended to woo India to cooperate closely on Afghanistan.

·         But despite its anti-Pakistan rhetoric, the U.S. is also courting Pakistan in pursuit of its strategic objectives in the region.

Contradictions in U.S. policy

·         U.S strategy of courting India to counter Pakistan in Afghanistan, and engaging India and Pakistan to checkmate China, while at the same time viewing China’s role in Afghanistan as that of a potential stabiliser shows a clear contradictions.

·         The U.S. has had a love-hate relationship with Pakistan since the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in 1979 through to 2001, and thereafter.

·         The indispensability of this relationship needs to be properly understood by India when fashioning its own response.

·         India must also be aware that the absence of long-term commitments is one of the central features of U.S foreign policy.

·         There was no reaction from U.S when Pakistan decided to drop terror charges against Jamaat-ud Dawah chief Hafiz Saeed.

The China conundrum

·         China is challenging U.S hegemony in the South Asian region, willing to build peace and mine minerals in Afghanistan, and selling dreams of inter-regional connectivity and economic prosperity in the South Asian region.

·         The potential revival of the Quadrilateral Coordination Group (comprising U.S., China, Pakistan and Afghanistan) shows China’s inevitability in South Asian region.

Way Ahead

·         India should consider participating in Afghan peace talks while being conscious of its redlines and ability vis-à-vis Afghanistan.

·         India should stick to its decision not to send troops to Afghanistan while at the same time enhancing its training of Afghan security forces and reconstruction efforts.

·         India needs to carefully design the contours of its China policy: aligning our China policy to suit U.S. interests would not help our long-term interests.

·         E.g. U.S maintains a steady silence in doklam stand-off.

·         Russia is in fact increasing its stakes in the South Asian region, including in Afghanistan, with close strategic ties with China, and increasingly with Pakistan.

·         India will not allow U.S to distract our attention from the strategic realities of our neighbourhood.