Why in news?
About 50 new electric vehicles has been launched in Delhi Auto Expo 2018.
What are the significance of the EVs?
- The reduction in the per-kilometre cost of driving electric cars as compared to those based on fossil fuels is highly possible.
- As diesel and petrol become more expensive electric vehicles becomes more accessible and affordable.
- EVs produce less carbon and less of the suspended particulate matter that causes local air pollution.
What is the stand of the government on electric vehicles?
- Union Road Transport Ministry is ambitious to transform 100 per cent of passenger vehicles to be electric by 2030.
- The union government is boosting the production by mooting manufactures to do so.
- By this the government don’t want petrol and diesel vehicle manufacturing to stop.
- The government senses that EVs would become popular among consumers, if the commuting cost for the public comes down.
What are practical challenges in EVs implantation?
- In India the infrastructure required for electric vehicle transition is not in place.
- Preferential parking, Low-cost and accessible charging stations, are yet to become ubiquitous in Indian cities.
- In order to transform the vehicle industry government has not taken any path breaking initiatives.
- Instead of introducing service led electric vehicle transitions India is following consumer-first approach and passenger vehicle fleet.
- To reduce carbon emissions India is choosing electricity as an alternative which is already a carbon source.
- Thus government must concentrate more on affordable, environmentally sustainable and efficient public transport system than a focusing on EVs.
Source: Business Standard