What is the issue?
In recent times union government is blaming the Medical practitioners - Medical Industry nexus for corruption and malpractice.
What are the charges against medical practitioners?
- In India most of the private hospitals solely concentrate on squeezing money out of people and always keep patients in dark about their medical status.
- Du to this there is a decay in the medical ethics with the doctors, whose main motive is to make profit.
- As the doctors spend crores for their studies in private medical institutions and they aim at getting back their investment as soon as possible.
- There are no proper benefits for doctors in the public sector hence more doctors are choosing to work in private hospitals.
- The private hospitals along with doctors and pharmaceutical companies, have formed a nexus to monopolise and keep people in their fold through constant fear of life.
How doctors condemn the government?
- The doctors realise and accept their faults to an extent, but most of these issues stemmed from the government policies which supported privatisation of healthcare.
- They condemn the government for not providing sufficient seats in medical colleges, given the need for doctors in rural parts of India.
- The doctors oppose the false pressures of the government on them, as most of the private hospitals are owned by politicians and they focus on maximising the profit and not quality healthcare.
What is the way forward?
- There are issues on part of the government as well as on part of the medical professionals.
- These needs to be rectified to provide quality healthcare of the common people
- Given that government has power to formulate policies which can change the present functioning of the medical sector.
- It needs to accept its follies and make a new beginning to ensure quality health services to all citizens of the country.
Source: The Indian Express