Examine the role of Sea turtles in maintaining a healthy marine ecosystem and discuss the threats faced by it. Also suggest viable conservation measures.
Refer – The Hindu
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 7 years
Role of sea turtle
· Sea turtles, especially the leatherback, keep jellyfish under control which helps to maintain healthy fish stocks in the oceans.
· Turtle populations could improve sea grass ecosystem health by removing sea grass biomass and preventing sediment formation.E.g. Green turtle feeds on sea grass beds.
· By cropping the grass, they provide a nursery for numerous species of fish, shellfish and crustaceans.
· The Hawksbill feeds on sponges in the coral reef ecosystem and opens up crevices for other marine life to live in.
· Turtles are also transporters of nutrients and energy to coastal areas.
· Unhatched eggs, eggshells and fluids help foster decomposers and create much needed fertilizer in sandy beaches.
· Bycatch, which is the name given to ocean animals that are unintentionally caught by fishing gear.
· Thousands of sea turtles are accidentally captured, injured or killed.
· The heavy toll of injuries and deaths occurs when the turtles begin migrating to their nesting grounds on beaches and in fishing areas that are their feeding grounds.
Conservation measures
· Regulation of Travel limits & Nets – Under current regulations, mechanized trawl boats have operation limitations ranging from 5 to 8 kms in coastal states.
· There are also limitations on use of nets, especially those designed for bigger ones like ray fish.However, these limits are not being enforced.
· Proper law enforcement and monitoring through vessel monitoring system fitted with all trawl boats traceable by the Coast Guard is essential.
· TEDs – TurtleExcluder Devices (TEDs) are two-dimensional net inserts with large escape openings for turtles.
· By law, trawlers meant for shrimp fishing are required to be fitted with TEDs, in India.
· If used correctly, TEDs have been found to reduce turtle captures by 90%.
· Seasonal closure – Trawlersand motorized craft with an engine output greater than 25 HP are banned during closed seasons, at different times in different states.
· Unfortunately, none of these closed seasons takes into account the sea turtle nesting season that falls between January and April.
· Areas where sea turtles forage and congregate need to be identified and additional seasonal closures need to be implemented within these areas.
· Ongoing work to have new fishing nets and gear that reduce the amount of bycatch while fishing should be encouraged further.