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November 14, 2017

Lack of emotional quotient and quality face-to-face interactions were found to be the reasons for increasing juvenile crimes. Elaborate.

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 7 years


Increasing Juvenile crimes

·         Data collected by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) indicates that, there is a substantial rise in crime activities by the juveniles.

·         Most conversations around juvenile crime in recent years have centered on the age of criminality and whether in cases of heinous crimes, juveniles need to be tried in adult courts or not.

·         But activists, NGOs and psychiatrists working with juvenile offenders feel that the dialogue should focus on why youngsters are being drawn into crime and what can be done to prevent this.

Causes& Solutions

·         Poverty has always bred resentment, a root-cause of many crimes.

·         But over the years, a fast-changing and developing society has introduced other insecurities.

·         Face to Face Interactions – Across socio-economic and educational groups’ children are affected by parents not spending quality time with them, and by an increasingly competitive world.

·         Constant exposure to aggression – verbal and physical – on television news, videos and games making it seem ‘cool’ to the child at an age when he or she is seeking role models or patterns of behaviour to emulate.

·         It either makes the child desensitised to violence or creates a curiosity to experiment with it.

·         Kids need nurturing, a feeling of connectedness and a safe zone where they can discuss their problems and, most importantly, feelings.

·         But, for that, one needs to learn to talk emotions with a child.

·         Emotional quotient (EQ) – or emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups.

·         People with high EQ have the ability to understand, empathize, and connect with the people around them.

·         If one could imagine the other person’s pain, before doing something hurtful, they will not go ahead for that option.

·         Tuning in to feeling is what sensitises kids to other people’s feelings and helps them take on another person’s perspective.

·         The Empathy Advantage of teaching this habit is huge: kids who are adept at recognising, understanding, and expressing their emotions are healthier, more resilient, and more popular; they do better in school; and they are more apt to help others.

·         It’s the responsibility of parents and the society to educate emotional intelligence to their children.

·         But, as parents get busy on their gadgets, not looking their kids in the eye when they try to engage with them, the latter tend to mimic the same behaviour.

·         Teaching empathy at a young age is the only hope for a society which is entrenched in videogames where you’ll constantly given score for shooting down your opponents.