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January 03, 2017

Assess what more needs to be done to complete the unfinished agenda of water reform in India

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Priya Ranjan 8 years

Water is key factor for existence and sustenance of society.  Due to the limited availability of water resources it becomes important to have an agenda for it's conservation.

Although India is blessed with the ample water resources. The conservation efforts are necessary for sustenance of this scare resource. 

Following steps may be taken in this regard.

1. There is a need to spread the education about the conservation requirement of water.

2. The agriculture accounts for the maximum utilization of water. There is a wide scope of water conservation in agriculture. Plans like per drop more crop will help to reduce the water wastage in agriculture.

3. The agriculture practice may shift towards hybrid seeds requiring less water than the conventional crops.

4. The sewage water can be recycled to produce fresh water and can be used again.

5. The ground water resources are under stress, This can be managed by reducing the open waste disposal and avoiding reasonable amount of fertilizers in the field.

The conservation efforts can boost not only the per capita water availability in India but also will play game changer of it's sustainable growth.

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to add data to support your arguments. Keep Writing.