Why in news?
The Democratic Party has got majority in the House of Representatives, while the Republican Party increased its majority in the Senate during the recently held mid-term elections in U.S.
What are the likely outcomes of this result?
- The polarisation between older, white males who are the supporters of Mr. Trump and the younger, multi-ethnic coalition backing Hillary Clinton would now be reflected in the American politics.
- The new Democratic representatives are diverse and the House will be the first to have over 100 women.
- Since the Republicans have strengthened their lead in the Senate, it would be more control over the foreign relations and domestic institutional oversight.
How this result will affect foreign relations?
- The White House and Senate have always been more impactful with respect to the foreign affairs.
- And from the decisions taken in the past, Presidents who have lost mid-term elections have instead pursued their chosen policies with even greater determination.
- Yet there would be a new cautiousness in the inward focused US actions as certain areas like Trade will have to face a vote in the Democratic House.
- There is uncertainty whether the Democratic majority will unite around the anti-Beijing moves which has been one characteristic of Mr Trump’s trade negotiators.
- But there is now a check, even if a relatively small one against Mr. Trump’s attempts to rewrite the post-War world order.
- And the American capital focused on partisan wrangling will less likely devote energy to the rest of the world.
Source: Business Standard