
Internal Security

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August 25, 2018

The trajectory of Maoist violence has been showing a downward trend and it is being claimed that the challenge of Naxalism in the country is on its “last legs”.  How far are such claims valid? Also, discuss how India could use such situation to solve the problem completely. (200 words)

Refer – The Indian Express

Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.

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IAS Parliament 6 years


·         The Home Minister of India recently claimed that the challenge of Naxalism in the country is on its “last legs”.

·         His assessment stems from the fact that the security forces have been achieving signal successes against the Maoists.

·         The trajectory of Maoist violence has been showing a downward trend.

·         It is also a fact that the total area affected by Naxalism has shrunk to 90 districts of the country.

Validity of such claims

·         The above trends are, no doubt, positive. It would, however, be naïve to think that we are about to see the end of Naxalism/Maoism in the country.

·         Historical overview has suggested that though Naxalism/Maoism had been disintegrated even in the past, it revived with a new phase.

Basic problems fuelling Naxal movements

a)     Inequality

b)     Corruption

c)      Agrarian unrest

·         Such factors always have seeds of discontent, which have the potential to explode into a rebellion.

How to use the situation?

·         The government now holds the upper hand again. It offers an ideal opportunity to solve the problem completely.

·         The government of India has two options before it.

·         One, that it goes ahead and crushes the Maoist movement. But, the possibility, in that case, is that the movement would resurrect again, maybe in a new avatar.

·         The other option is to offer the olive branch to the Maoist leaders and carry out sincere measures to redress grievances, particularly those relating to tribals’.

·         Any offer of peace from a position of strength is always credible and has greater chance of success.

·         Simultaneous efforts in the direction of minimising the basic fuelling factors would go a long way in completely eradicating Naxalism/Maoism in the country.

Tapasvi 6 years

Kindly review

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good attempt. Try to write past revival of Maoism to strengthen your justification. Keep writing.