What is the issue?
- Incumbent president ‘Uhuru Kenyatta’ is holding on to power, despite allegations of widespread violence & poll rigging.
- His election has been challenged for the second time in the courts, which is only bound to deepen the crisis.
What was the turn of events?
- The Kenyan presidential election was initially held in August and the incumbent President ‘Kenyatta’ emerged vicotorious.
- But the results were declared void by the courts due to various discrepancies in electioneering.
- This mandated a re-run in October which was boycotted by the opposition who argued that discrepancies persisted.
- As the results of the re-run have also been challenged in Court, the political turmoil is only expected to intensify.
What is the ground scenario?
- The judicial ruling against the August vote was unprecedented and was widely hailed as an exemplar of judicial independence.
- Subsequently, President Uhuru Kenyatta has amended the electoral laws to suit his interests, which was vehemently opposed.
- The masses have also been initimidates and restless, thereby leaving no possibility for a fair poll.
- Quitting of top election officials due and mysterious deaths of high functionaries also highlights the the extent of intimidation.
- Also, when a plea was filed to postpone the presidential re-run, most judges didn’t show-up for the fear of threats.
How does the future look?
- While the verdict of the latest legal challenge is uncertain, absence of a genuine contest might lead to declaring the results void.
- As the GDP forcasts have shown big dips in growth, the social cost of this current uncertainity can be immense.
- Politicians from both the ruling & opposition camps owe moral responsibility for the current situation and need to find a truce.
- Way Foward - Negotiating a lasting settlement is necessary and the 2010 constitution should be followed in letter & spirit.
- Monopoly of power enjoyed by the Kikuyu and the Kalenjin tribes must end and larger decentralisation should be taken up.
- African Union must exert political pressure to prevent the escalation of the crisis beyond Kenya’s borders.
- Strengthening the election mechanism against political interference would be an important first step in this reagrd.
Source: The Hindu