
Lone Wolf Attacks – Australian Prespective

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November 04, 2017

What is the issue?

  • Terror operatives have increasingly promoted decentralised ‘Lone wolf’ attacks across cities.
  • Australia has been advocating to perceive the new trend as a psyological crime - which calls for a radically different approch.

How are lone-wolfs different?

  • The common thread among all such attacks was that all these people acted on their own without any command from elsewhere.
  • Most lone-wolfs get indoctrinated online out of own volition without any direct contact with radical propagators.
  • Notably, objects of common use - like trucks, axes, knives are innovatively used as deadly weapons.
  • These features of lone-wolf attacks helps in effectively skiping the conventional surveillance radars.
  • This strand of terrorism is not akin to conventional war that can have definitive beginning and end.
  • It is rather closer to crime, which can best understood through, and handled by, the tools of law enforcement.
  • Therefore, the security challenge is to be more efficient when it comes to preventing indoctrination than the actual act.

How should investigations proceed?

  • Structured operations of conventional terrorism called for a targeted nuianced policing coupled with tough physical action at times.
  • On the contrary, the lone wolf strand is practabily untraceable by the security radar.
  • Hence, this stresses the need for enhancing security dialogue to a massive population in a non-targetive way to trace for specifics.
  • Also, in most cases till now, a family member or a friend noticed a significant change in the activities of the would-be attacker.
  • But he/she wasn’t sure of reporting it due to lack of substansiality and the fear of an excessively muscled police interventions.
  • While in most cases behavioural aberrations might just be innocent changes,  tracking them would help enhancing security.
  • Softening the tone of police responses would enhance reporting and thereby increase tracability of lone-wolfers. 

Is it realated to Pyscological health?

  • Australia had constituted many ‘Fixated Threat Assessment Centers’ in 2006.
  • That center was created to find people with obsessive, stalker-like fixations (not terrorists) on public figures and celebrities.
  • Such people were overwhelmingly found to suffer from  some form of mental illness, particularly psychosis.
  • These centers has partnership with the health department to council these people and enhance their social cognition.
  • Terror prespective - Research to find patterns in the personalities of conventional terrorists have proven  futile.
  • But preperators of lone-wolf terrorism, have been found to exhibit a higher level of psychological disturbance and depression.
  • Hence, expanding the scope of operations of such centers would in fact screen out lone-wolfers.
  • The mental illness angle would also redefine remedial programs and rehabilitation for lone-wolfers.


Source: New York Times

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