UNNATI - Unispace Nano-satellite Assembly & Training program
- It is a capacity building program on Nanosatellite development.
- It is an initiative by ISRO to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first UN conference on the exploration and peaceful uses of outer space (UNISPACE-50+).
- The program provides opportunities to the participants from developing countries to strengthen in assembling, integrating and testing of Nanosatellite.
Small Farmers’ Agri-Business Consortium (SFAC)
- It was established as a Society in 1994 and it is celebrating silver jubilee this year.
- It is an Autonomous Society promoted by Ministry of Agriculture.
- It was established to facilitate agri-business ventures by catalyzing private investment through Venture Capital Assistance Scheme.
- It is the pioneer in organizing small and marginal farmers as Farmers Interest Groups, Farmers Producers Organization and Farmers Producers Company for increasing their bargaining power and economies of scale.
- It provides a platform for increased accessibility and cheaper availability of agricultural and in establishing forward and backward linkages in supply chain management.
- It is also the lead agency for implementing eNAM
e-Nam Inter State Trade
- The e-NAM is a pan-India e-trading portal to network the existing physical regulated wholesale market (APMC market) through a virtual platform.
- It aims to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities.
- It promotes better marketing opportunities for the farmers to sell their produce through online, competitive and transparent price discovery system and online payment facility.
- Initially, only inter-mandi trade within the state was allowed.
- Recently, inter-state trade was started.
- The first inter-State trade on e-NAM was carried out between UP and Uttarakhand followed by that between AP and Telengana.
Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS)
- It is a Central Sector Scheme implemented by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities under MoSJ.
- The objectives of the scheme are
- To create an enabling environment to ensure equal opportunities, equity, social justice and empowerment of PwDs.
- To encourage voluntary action for ensuring effective implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016.
- It is being implemented since 1999 for providing financial assistance to NGOs working for education and rehabilitation of PwDs and was revised in 2018.
- According to Census 2011, there were about 2.68 crore persons with disabilities in India, constituting 2.21% of the total population.
Losar Festival
- It is the Tibetan New Year.
- The structure of the Tibetan calendar is based simultaneously on the cycles of the sun and the moon.
- The Tibetan year begins the day of the new moon following the entry of the sun in the constellation of the Ram.
- It generally falls on February.
- The Tibetan year is composed of twelve “lunar” months.
- Lunar month is the period between two new moons i.e begins the 1st day following the new moon to finish with the following new moon.
- Lunar months consist of 30 lunar days and 1 lunar day = 0.984 solar day (24 hrs).
- So 1 lunar month lasts approximately 29,5 solar days.
- Thus, a Tibetan year, is composed 354 solar days.
- Therefore, they add a 13th lunar month approximately every 30 months in order to catch up with the Western year.
- The calendar is known as “lunisolar”, as it catches up with the solar calendar by adding one month.
- Given its Tibetan population, Ladakh also celebrates this festival with much excitement,
Vulture and Raptor survey
- The first-ever vulture and raptor survey was held in the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary.
- It recorded 24 species of raptors and four species of vultures.
- It was organized by the Forest and Wildlife Department, and the South and North Wayanad Forest Divisions.
- A raptor is a bird that hunts and kills other animals for food. e.g Eagles, Falcons, Hawks etc
- They come under Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and have apex predator status in an ecosystem.
- Indian vulture, White-rumped vulture, Red headed vultures were also spotted.
Source: PIB,The Hindu