
Prelim Bits 20-11-2018

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November 20, 2018

Remission of Convicts

  • Three girls of TN Agricultural University were burnt alive when their bus was set afire by 3 after Jayalalithaa was convicted in a corruption case in 2000.
  • Three convicts were initially sentenced to death, but the punishment was commuted to life in prison by the Supreme Court 2 years ago.
  • They were recently granted remission and set free. TN governor cleared the government’s recommendation to release them prematurely.
  • The Governor had earlier returned the file seeking remission of their life sentence for reconsideration by the government.
  • However, the State sent back the file sticking to its stand, following which the governor accepted the recommendation to release them.
  • Legal provision – Section 433A deals with the restriction of powers of remission or commutation in certain cases.
  • It says that, a sentence of death imposed on a person has been commuted under section 433 into one of imprisonment for life, such person shall not be released from prison unless he/she had served at least 14 years of imprisonment.

Pardoning Terms

  • Pardon - It removes both the sentence and the conviction and completely absolves the convict from all the sentences, punishments and disqualifications.
  • Commutation - It denotes the substitution of one form of punishment for a lighter form.
  • Remission - It implies reducing the period of sentence without changing its character.
  • Respite - It denotes awarding a lesser sentence in place of one originally awarded due to some special fact, such as the physical disability of convict or the pregnancy of a woman offender.
  • Reprieve - It implies a stay of the execution of a sentence (especially that of death) for a temporary period. Its purpose is to enable the convict to have time to seek pardon or commutation from the President/Governor.

Most Luminous Galaxy

  • Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) telescope in Chile has recently observed the most luminous galaxy in the Universe.
  • The light from this galaxy, known as W2246-0526, took 12.4 billion years to reach Earth.
  • Its brightness is not due to its stars rather it is powered by a tiny energetic disk of gas that is being superheated as it spirals in on the supermassive black hole.
  • The light from the energetic disk is then absorbed by the surrounding dust which re-emits the energy as Infrared light.
  • This extreme infrared radiation makes this galaxy one of a rare class of quasars known as Hot, Dust-Obscured Galaxies or Hot DOGs.

Global Fight on Malaria

  • The World Health Organisation in its recent report has revealed that global efforts to fight Malaria stalled.
  • The number of cases of the disease climbed by 2 million to 219 million in 2017.
  • The international funding to fight the disease has declined in the recent years.
  • Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by Plasmodium parasites.
  • It is transmitted to people through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes.
  • The mosquito transmits the parasite in to bloodstream and after it gets matured it begin to infect red blood cells.
  • There are 5 parasite species that cause malaria in humans, and 2 of these species P. falciparum and P. vivax pose the greatest threat.
  • It is preventable and curable.
  • An infected mother can also pass the disease to her baby at birth. This is known as congenital malaria.
  • Malaria is transmitted by blood, so it can also be transmitted through:
  1. an organ transplant

2. a transfusion

3. use of shared needles or syringes

Igla-S missile

  • Igla-S is a Russian man-portable Surface to Air missile.
  • Russia has recently bagged the contract of Indian Army’s bid for air defence  missile.
  • Igla-S system has been confirmed as the lowest bidder for the mega deal.

Telescope to View Kartarpur Sahib

  • The government has decided to install a high-powered telescope along the India-Pakistan border for devotees to view kartarpur sahib in Punjab.
  • It is organized to mark the 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev, the founder of Sikh faith.
  • Kartarpur sahib, one of the holiest shrines, is the final resting place of Guru Nanak.
  • The telescope would be installed by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.

Click here to know about Sikh Gurus             


Source: The Hindu, Economic Times


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