Why in news?
- The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has released a revised draft of proposed rules for operating civilian drones.
- Public comments have been invited and a final draft after incorporating suggestions is expected by the year end.
What are the highlights?
- An earlier draft faced criticism for proposing a very complicated and restrictive set of rules that was also difficult to enforce.
- The new draft has relaxed many of these and is more in line with the ground realities.
- According to the weight, drones have been divided into five categories, with different specifications for each.
- Lightweights - The lightest two categories - Nano (up to 250 grams) and Micro (up to 2 kgs of takeoff weight), may be operated without the operator possessing an ‘Unmanned Aircraft Operator Permit’ – UAOP.
- Also, these smaller UAVs don’t require a unique identification number (UIN), provided they are operated within 200 metres.
- Larger vehicles – These will have to possess UIN and their operators will need a permit.
- Flight plans will have to be filed and import licences for larger drones will be granted on merit, depending on the purpose.
What are the relaxations?
- Commercial use of drones for photography, doorstep delivery and even passenger transport (large UAVs) could be allowed too.
- The need to get home ministry’s clearance for flight routes 80 days in advance has been done away with.
- Restrictions placed on areas where ‘UAVs may not be operated’ have also been relaxed.
What are the drawbacks?
- Flights are not going to be permitted within 500 metres of designated sensitive installations, within 50 km of borders or more than 500 metres offshore.
- As many installations are classified as sensitive, this is still very restrictive and it will make commercial operations difficult.
- Civilian use of drones for hobby and commercial purposes is already common and multiple types are available.
- The cheapest ones cost Rs 1,200-1,500 and a smart middle-school student can assemble and programme it.
- As permissions are still a little tedious, they run the risk of being ignored.
How does the future look?
- The civilian use of drones is expected to proliferate and the years with increased commerciality and better regulations.
- UAV ambulances have been successfully deployed in several countries and its advantages are obvious.
- UAVs are also used in disaster management, for surveys and mapping, monitoring of power lines, ports and pipelines.
- Commercial photography, crop spraying and gathering of weather data are also aspects that have potential.
- Concerns - There are indeed multiple associated safety, security and privacy concerns.
- These must be addressed in a pragmatic and rational fashion by flexible regulations that can adapt to new technologies.
- The new draft is an improvement but it does not go far enough.
Source: Business Standard