
Social Justice

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April 23, 2018

India has done poorly, when it comes to female representation in National politics. Discuss the benefits of having more no. of women in politics and examine the challenges faced by them in the way to politics.

Refer – The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 7 years


  • Women’s political participation in India has been low despite them accounting for 49 per cent of the population. 
  • The 16th Lok Sabha has only 64 women among its 542 members. Afghanistan, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia do better than India.


  • As representatives, women will

ü  eliminate the systemic biases and structural barriers

ü  design laws that encourage better education for girls

ü  secure financial independence and formal employment for women

ü  push up our abysmal female labour force participation rates

ü  ensure that female hygiene products are properly priced

  • Exposure to women in office weakens stereotypes about gender roles.
  • Watching women in leadership positions reduces the negative perceptions men have about their effectiveness as leaders.
  • It also induces men to dream better dreams for their daughters and have a great impact in reducing female foeticide.


  • Domestic responsibilities
  • Prevailing cultural attitudes regarding roles of women in society
  • Lack of support from family
  • Lack of confidence
  • Lack of finance
  • Reluctance of political parties to provide more seats to women
  • Negative perceptions men have about women’s effectiveness as leaders
  • It is very difficult for a women candidate to enter into politics voluntarily, without a political background.
  • Financial, social and cultural barriers to entry are higher for women.
  • Government has instituted quotas for women candidates at the local level. Yet, there is resistance to implementing them at the national level criticizing that women in politics are simply representatives of the men.