
Transforming Urban Mobility - I

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September 12, 2018

What is the issue?

With India aspiring to be the second largest economy, it is essential that it prepares for a rapid increase in demand for mobility.

What is the urbanisation reality?

  • In most cases, per-capita income in a nation increases when more than half its population is urban.
  • This is attributed to the agglomeration economics.
  • It propounds that "people in cities are more productive, innovative, and have higher skills".
  • This is largely boosted by the access to a wider range of opportunities in cities.

What is the rising need?

  • Across nations, and through decades, economic development has been correlated to personal mobility.
  • So as economic growth accelerates, there is also a need to anticipate faster urbanisation.
  • As this densification accelerates, there is a need for focussing on the symbiotic relationship between urban form and mobility.
  • Because, designing cities for cars is becoming as important as designing them for people.
  • Traffic congestion, extension of roads, and worsening air quality are issues to be reckoned with.

How do global examples differ with India?

  • Space and Transit - The US city of Los Angeles with 18 million population ranks number one among US cities in terms of expanse.
  • It is also number one in density and length of roads and highways.
  • Despite this, it is burdened with worst traffic congestion and air quality among large US cities.
  • On the other hand, cities like Tokyo Singapore and Hong Kong have higher population but utilise less space.
  • They also have a very significant dependence on mass transit.
  • Tokyo thus allocates a mere 15% of its urban land for roads to sustain its car-dependence, as against 40% in some US cities.
  • But Indian cities do little to limit the urban expanse and utilise the space effectively with mass transits.
  • Notably, there is a proposal in Bengaluru to sustain the expanse with six new interconnected elevated roadways.
  • Over the last two decades, in Chennai, the modal share of public transit has diminished.
  • These seem to be ignoring the global lessons of managing population with less space and well-targeted transit investments.
  • Expenditure - Copenhagen (Denmark) with a sensible mix of public transit and bike-lanes spends about 7% of regional GDP on transport.
  • On the other hand, a car-dependent Houston (in the U.S. state of Texas) allocates over 17%.
  • But the Indian cities can ill afford to be unmindful of such economic waste.
  • Ecology - Air quality degradation from automotive emissions is a growing menace.
  • WHO data says 14 of the top 20 most polluted cities (measured by particulates) are in India.
  • Densely populated cities can have a lower ecological footprint by mainly relying on shared or mass transit.
  • New York City has lower per capita carbon emissions despite higher average income, mainly due to its transportation patterns.

What lies ahead for India?

  • India’s continued dependence on expensive imported oil seems certain for the foreseeable future.
  • It is thus essential that its mobility architecture is guided by energy efficiency.
  • Reducing dependence on fossil fuels through more efficient mobility will contribute to environmental and economic gains.
  • Transforming urban mobility requires
  1. a clear articulation of goals
  2. careful framing of policies
  3. targeted investments
  4. rigorous implementation backed by enforcement
  • It is high time that India rethinks of urban planning and favours densification and transit-oriented development.
  • Integration of urban planning with promotion of mass, rather than private, transport should be a priority.


Source: BusinessLine

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