
Transforming Urban Mobility - II

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September 12, 2018

Click here for Part I

What is the issue?

For the transforming urban mobility need, countries need focus on not just E-vehicles but mass and shared transit capacity as well.

What differentiate advanced cities are not highways and flyovers, but rather quality side-walks and cycle ways.

Why are e-vehicles gaining importance?

  • The regulations governing fuel efficiency and exhaust emissions were given increased push in the recent decades.
  • Resultantly, a modern petrol or diesel car emits less than 5% of the harmful emissions of its predecessor from four decades ago.
  • So now there are very less options to gain any further improvements from conventional engines.
  • This has thus led to a wave of investment in Electric Vehicles (EVs), connected cars, autonomy and shared mobility.

What are the benefits?

  • The focus of further improvements in EVs is in energy-density, power-density and cost of batteries.
  • EVs have zero exhaust emissions and lower carbon emissions than conventional cars.
  • So it is a suitable option for limiting the deterioration in urban air quality.
  • They have fewer moving parts, potentially lowering cost of manufacture and extending useful life.

What are the larger concerns and solutions?

  • Single occupant cars - Electric cars are alone not the panacea for urban mobility.
  • In many cities a good fraction of rush-hour traffic comprises single occupant cars.
  • This takes a toll on both space and energy, which could have otherwise been used by a larger number if shared.
  • Cities like Singapore, New York and Tokyo seek to sustain high population densities and high economic activity per square km.
  • They have therefore come to depend on mass transit and shared mobility and discourage use of private cars.
  • Mobility solutions - The developments in digitised economy has facilitated many promising shared-mobility solutions.
  • The new generation that is digital-friendly is growing comfortable with alternatives to car ownership.
  • They increasingly employ varied mobility solutions and apps for motorisation.
  • E.g. Uber and Ola have proven useful to many affluent urban commuters.
  • Cities such as San Francisco and New York have extended this concept to vans, aggregating 10-12 passengers at a time.
  • This results in further lowering of cost, energy use and carbon emissions per commuter.
  • Inclusiveness - The wave of urbanisation in many countries has largely redesigned the cities as middle class spaces.
  • Lower income groups have thus been forced to the peripheral suburbs.
  • This has lowered their opportunities and increased the cost and time for commuting.
  • The tenets that govern new mobility architectures must thus promote inclusive access to mobility.
  • E.g. Mexico has defined mobility as a basic human right and this helps steer policies that are inclusive.
  • Neglected modes ­- Many cities are also re-discovering neglected travel modes that are augmented with modern technology.
  • Pedestrian zones and short passages are reappearing in cities like Seoul, Barcelona and New York.
  • Bike-lanes and bike-sharing solutions are a growing trend in Amsterdam and Paris.
  • There is a need for accelerating investments in these low cost and environment-friendly modes.


Source: BusinessLine

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