
Pandemic and Academic Future

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April 21, 2021

What is the issue?

  • The pandemic gave administrators an opportunity to re-examine the education system, but nothing has changed.
  • With the second wave of the pandemic, it is crucial to reflect on the past gaps and make appropriate course corrections.

How was the response?

  • Bureaucrats and administrators associated with educational institutions came up with notifications and circulars.
  • They were supposedly designed to enable academic activity.
  • But these orders disregarded the distress experienced by the academic community.
  • The unrealistic ‘one order fits all’ approach established the distress as a new feature of educational institutions.
  • The response should have helped institutions, faculty and students overcome the uncertainties.
  • But the biggest failure of the administrative response was that instead of doing the above, the focus was on unnecessary bureaucratic centralisation.

What was the lost opportunity?

  • The pandemic offered an opportunity to initiate sustainable reforms in the structure of the academic term and the nature of continuous assessment.
  • It provided an opportunity to -
    1. work with teachers to address their concerns
    2. encourage better student-teacher interactions
    3. develop a better framework to determine the qualificatory grade for students to move to the next stage of study
  • But instead, the administrators showed rigid insistence on rote learning.
  • They refused to recognise the fact that marks obtained in exams are not the only markers of a student’s capabilities.
  • They also showed reluctance to engage with fellow academicians and teachers to nurture academic engagement.
  • All these ended up becoming a source of public distress.
  • The exam system, which has been crying out for significant overhaul, could have been reformed, but was missed.
  • The revised academic calendars introduced in 2020 undermined proper and constructive academic interaction between teachers and students.
  • While teachers conducted online classes daily, administrators were obsessed with monitoring them.
  • They showed little interest in enquiring about the health and difficulties of their colleagues and staff.
  • They failed to consider initiatives to assess the mental health of teachers, non-teaching staff and students.
  • At times it seemed as if they did not fully understand the qualitative and operational differences between online and offline classes.
  • The practice exposed the outdated understanding of technology and lack of understanding of the contemporary challenges of classroom interactions.

What is the challenge now?

  • The second wave is now occurring at a time when students in schools and higher educational institutions transition from one level to another.
  • This has exposed the administrative inadequacies of the past year.
  • It is becoming obvious that the pandemic would disrupt the academic schedule for more than 2 years.

What is the way forward?

  • There is a pressing need for bureaucratic administrators to consult academic stakeholders and move ahead.
  • It is time for institutions to reconsider their approach towards exams and grading.
    • The need is to reduce the pressure on the students and discourage them from memorising to prepare for set and repetitive exam questions.
    • Attention should be given to continuous assessment and evaluation of students.
    • A system geared to assess the students’ understanding rather than ability to memorise and reproduce should be in place.
    • School boards and universities need to alter the pattern of question papers.
    • The idea of open book examinations needs to be developed.
  • The decision-makers in educational institutions will need to display administrative acumen and show willingness to learn from mistakes.
  • The bureaucracy must recognise that universities and schools have their own academic considerations.
  • They should understand that the standardisation of academic requirements, calendars, and teaching and learning processes are not feasible.
  • The decisions should not be knee-jerk responses such as cancelling and/or postponing exams and remaining fixated with the completion of the academic term.
  • Decisions taken should help secure the academic future of students, teachers and institutions.


Source: The Hindu

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