
Action Plans for Mitigating Harsh Summers

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March 08, 2018

What is the issue?

  • The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has warned of an exceptionally hot summer this year. Click here to know more.
  • This calls for advance planning to mitigate its adverse consequences.

What are the predictions of IMD?

  • Maximum temperature in most parts of the country is projected to remain over 1 degree Celsius above normal.
  • Frequent and relatively more intense heat waves are expected between March and May.
  • There are signs of a moderate La Nina condition (deemed favourable for the monsoon.
  • However, the IMD has refrained from drawing any conclusion about its impact on the coming monsoon.
  • This is perhaps because it is likely to start weakening from May-end, prior to the onset of the monsoon.
  • Even if the moderate La Nina leads to good rainfall, the relief will accrue only in the rainy season.
  • It is less likely to help in the pre-monsoon dry season, when it is needed the most.

What are the implications for India?

  • If IMD’s forecast holds true, it will be the third consecutive year of unbearably hot summers.
  • Notably, India witnessed back-to-back droughts in 2014 and 2015.
  • In fact, the temperatures have already begun to shoot up, hovering around 2.5 degrees Celsius above normal in several regions.
  • The total water stock of the 91 main dams monitored by the Central Water Commission is now short of last year’s corresponding level and below average.
  • Moreover, the total winter rainfall has been deficient by as much as 64% in the country as a whole.
  •  The deficiency is 67% in the key north-western agricultural belt.

What are the concerns with harsher summers?

  • Excessive heat can have wide-ranging consequences, costing the economy dearly.
  • It can lower the crop yields.
  • Especially, that of wheat which is highly sensitive to a premature spike in temperature in March.
  • Harsh summers would deplete water resources, which are already stressed due to poor winter rainfall.
  • It would affect power availability by pushing up demand and curtailing hydel power production.
  • Besides, it could depress milk yield of cattle.
  • It could also threaten human health, causing heat-induced illnesses and death.
  • Labour productivity, too, tends to dwindle during acute summers.

What action plans need to be taken?

  • Area-specific action plans are, therefore, imperative to combat heat-related contingencies.
  • Ahmedabad had prepared a “heat action plan” in 2010 when a 47-degree Celsius heat wave had taken 700 lives.
  • Implementation of this plan helped restrict casualties to 20, under similar conditions in 2015.
  • Civic authorities in other states could take a cue from such measures.
  • Putting up drinking water kiosks in public places, setting up day shelters, changing school timings, etc are some of them.
  • Water release from reservoirs need to be rescheduled to facilitate its judicious and economical use.
  • The work timings of labour, too, can be readjusted to provide longer breaks during blazing afternoons.
  • The science of genetic engineering can help prepare Indian agriculture to face unkind summers, without any significant erosion in productivity.


Source: Business Standard

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