
Addressing the Economic Slowdown

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August 26, 2019

What is the issue?

  • India is currently witnessing a notable economic slowdown as reflected in the automobile slump and employment problems.
  • In this context, boosting growth requires that attention be paid to both cyclical and structural dimensions of the problem.

What are the key factors behind?

  • India’s current economic slowdown is due to a combination of two underlying trends.
  • First, there is the short-run cyclical slowdown exhibited by a number of high-frequency indicators.
  • There is a significant fall in demand, especially for sectors such as automobiles, consumer durables and housing.
  • Second, there is the more serious long-term fall in investment and savings rates.
  • Raising growth requires that attention be paid to both cyclical and structural dimensions of the problem.

How is the fixed capital formation scenario?

  • The Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) relative to GDP at current prices has had a steady fall since 2011-12, when it was 34.3%.
  • By 2017-18, it had fallen by 5.7% points, to a level of 28.6%.
  • Assuming an Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) of 4, this meant a fall of nearly 1.4% points in the potential growth rate.
  • [ICOR is the ratio of investment to growth; higher the ICOR, the lower the productivity of capital or the marginal efficiency of capital.]
  • The fall consisted of sectoral decreases in the household, private corporate and public sectors.

  • Sectoral trend - The fall in the household sector’s investment rate got arrested by 2015-16.
  • However, by then, the rate had already fallen by 6.3% points.
  • From 2016-17, the sector’s investment rate even showed some recovery.
  • In contrast to the household sector rate, the private corporate sector investment rate did not show any fall up to 2015-16.
  • At 11.9% then, it was in fact higher than the corresponding rate for 2011-12 (11.2%).
  • It fell in the subsequent years, but only by 0.7% points.
  • In the case of the public sector, the rate fell by 0.3% points between 2015-16 and 2017-18.
  • Thus, the period from 2011-12 to 2017-18 can be seen as consisting of two parts:
    1. 2011-12 to 2015-16, when the household sector investment rate fell sharply
    2. 2015-16 to 2017-18 when the investment rates of the private corporate and public sectors fell marginally

What is the case with the savings rate?

  • The Gross Domestic Savings Rate fell between 2011-12 and 2017-18 by 4.1% points, from 34.6% of GDP to 30.5%.
  • However, this fall was entirely due to the household sector.
  • The private corporate and public sectors show increases in their savings rates by margins of 2.2% points and 0.2% points, respectively.

What is the overall implication?

  • This differentiated sectoral pattern of investment and savings rates had significant implications for the financing of investment.
  • Private corporate and public sectors were the deficit sectors.
  • They usually financed their deficits from the surplus savings of the household sector.
  • In addition, net inflow of foreign capital added to the flow of investible resources.
  • But throughout the period from 2011-12, the savings rate of the private corporate sector increased.
  • This reduced its dependence on the surplus savings of the household sector.
  • The excess of private corporate sector’s investment over its own savings rate was 3.8% points of GDP in 2011-12.
  • [However, this gap fell to 0.5% points by 2017-18.]
  • Given this pattern, private corporate sector’s investment demand can be largely met by its own savings.
  • So, at present, all the surplus savings of the household sector is available for the public sector.
  • Public sector’s borrowing requirements can be fully financed using the surplus from the household sector.
  • This can safely be supplemented by net inflow of foreign capital without any fear of crowding out.

What is the key priority now?

  • In 2018-19, the real GDP growth rate was 6.8%.
  • Two critical policy challenges need to be addressed.
  • First, a countercyclical policy should increase growth rate to its current potential of 7%-7.5%.
  • After this, structural reforms should raise the potential growth itself to above 8.5%.
  • These are essential for India to attain a size of $5 trillion by 2024-25.

How then should expenditure be managed?

  • From the monetary side, reducing the repo rate by a cumulated margin of 110 basis points in 2019 has not as yet induced a noticeable growth response.
  • Given this, complementary fiscal stimulus, in the form of additional public sector investment, may prove to be more effective.
  • However, given the fiscal deficit constraint, there is limited flexibility for increasing centre’s capital expenditure directly.
  • There may be some expansion, if additional dividends from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) flow to the government.
  • Further, there may be some possible additional disinvestment.
  • However, care should be taken to deploy all of these additional funds for capital expenditure.
  • Caution - Normally, the prescription to meet slowing demand is to increase government expenditure.
  • In the current situation, increase in government expenditure has to be directed towards an increase in investment expenditure.
  • A similar effort may be made by State governments and non-government public sector enterprises to increase capital expenditures.
  • All these measures may also crowd in private investment.
  • Thus, this fiscal push, together with the already-initiated monetary stimulus, may help raise the growth rate.
  • Another area that needs immediate attention is the financial system, which must be activated to lend more.

What are the much-needed structural reforms?

  • Structural reforms are now a key priority to push the economy onto a sustained high growth path.
  • On the fiscal account, there has to be a re-look at the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act.
  • The government should actually move towards reducing the revenue deficit to zero.
  • This can happen if the Centre focuses more on items on the Union list.
  • Once this is achieved, the Central Government will have the freedom over fiscal deficit, as the entire deficit will be directed towards meeting capital expenditures.


Source: The Hindu

Quick Fact

Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF)

  • GFCF is essentially the net investment; it measures the net increase in fixed capital.
  • It is a component of the Expenditure method of calculating GDP.
  • Gross fixed capital formation includes -
  1. spending on land improvements
  2. plant, machinery, and equipment purchases
  3. the construction of roads, railways, private residential dwellings, and commercial and industrial buildings
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