
Cardiovascular Disease Risk

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June 20, 2018

What is the issue?

Wealthier and more urbanised states tend to face a higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

What does the data reveal?

  • Cardiovascular disease risk varies widely among states.
  • Kerala faces the highest risk of CVD at 19.5%.
  • Jharkhand has the lowest risk at 13.5%.
  • CVD risk is found to be the highest in the Northern, Northeastern and Southern states.

What are the driving factors?

  • In the North, Northeast and South, higher body mass index, hypertension, diabetes and smoking prevalence contributed to the risk.
  • Socio-economic - There is high variation of risk factors, such as smoking and diabetes.
  • This was influenced by adults’ socio-demographic characteristics.
  • BMI and blood glucose and blood pressure were associated with wealth and living in an urban area.
  • Prevalence of high blood glucose and high BP was high in middle and old age among the poorer groups, and in rural areas.
  • Smoking was more common in the poorer groups, in rural areas, and among males.
  • It was most prevalent among males in the Northeastern states and West Bengal.
  • NCD & CD - Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and communicable diseases (CDs) have an inverse relation.
  • E.g. states like Jharkhand have higher prevalence of CDs, while there is a low prevalence of NCD.
  • Developed states have a higher NCD burden and lower CD burden.
  • Development - Some states are at high risk of CVDs as they are ahead in development and have better healthcare facilities.
  • In less developed states like Jharkhand, life expectancy at birth is less than in developed states like Kerala.
  • Life expectancy is affected by disease pattern.
  • Lifestyle - Lifestyle, dietary patterns and other factors have played a role in the variations.
  • Another factor is obesogenic environment which promotes weight gain and is not conducive to weight loss.
  • It includes higher urbanisation, walking less, using lift instead of stairs, and easy availability of high-calorie food.
  • The data would help in allocating resources to prevent cardiovascular disease to the most in need.


Source: Indian Express

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