
Concerns with India's Export Subsidies

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March 20, 2018

What is the issue?

  • The US has recently challenged in the WTO almost all Indian export subsidy programmes. Click here to know more.
  • This calls for India to assess the real effects of export subsidies and consider other effective options for export promotion.

What is the exception provided for India?

  • India was among the 20 developing countries included in Annex VII of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM Agreement).
  • This allowed it to use export subsidies as long as per capita Gross National Product (GNP) had not crossed $1,000, at constant 1990 dollars, for 3 consecutive years.
  • This was provided to the developing countries for phasing out export subsidies.
  • It is an exception under the “special and differential treatment”.
  • India thus had the flexibility to use export subsidies until 2015.

What is the contention now?

  • India had crossed the $1,000 GNP per capita threshold in 2015.
  • India must have eliminated export subsidies immediately upon crossing the threshold.
  • The complaint now is that India is violating its commitments under the SCM Agreement.
  • But in Doha negotiations, India and several other "special provision" countries sought an amendment of the agreement.
  • The demand was to enable them to get a transition period.

How have India's export subsidies been?

  • Contrary to the pronouncements made in the Foreign Trade Policy, the government has continued to increase its outlays on export promotion schemes.
  • In 2016-17, the total outlay on export promotion schemes was around Rs. 58,000 crore.
  • This is an increase of more than 28% in 3 years.
  • The Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) was introduced to promote exports.
  • This was done notably by offsetting the infrastructural inefficiencies faced by exports of specified goods and to provide a level playing field.
  • The scheme initially covered 4,914 tariff lines and was subsequently increased to cover 7,914 tariff lines.
  • In recent months, there have been expansions of the scheme.
  • This has increased the total outlay on the scheme to nearly 60% over the level in 2016-17.

What needs to be done?

  • India’s export promotion schemes face an uncertain future after the US decision to challenge their legality in the WTO.
  • This is not the first time that the U.S. has put India’s export promotion schemes under the scanner.
  • Moreover, the utility of export subsidies to promote exports has long been questioned.
  • The real impact of these subsidies has never been clearly measured.
  • But it has been quite evident that they have benefited the rent-seekers.
  • There is, therefore, a strong case for the government to invest in trade-related infrastructure and trade facilitation measures.
  • Only these can deliver tangible results on the export front.


Source: The Hindu


Quick Facts

Constant 1990 dollars

  • The purchasing power of the dollar changes over time due to inflation.
  • Constant dollars are used to adjust for these effects of inflation.
  • This is done by converting economic information into a standard era dollar term, such as 1990 dollars.
  • Constant dollars are used to compare economic activity in different time periods.

Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures

  • The SCM Agreement addresses two closely related topics:
  1. multilateral disciplines regulating the provision of subsidies
  2. use of countervailing measures to offset injury caused by subsidized imports
  • It strengthens discipline on trade distorting subsidies given by governments to give their firms an unfair competitive advantage.
  • All countries that become members of the WTO will automatically be subject to the Subsidies Agreement.
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