What is the issue?
The steady loss of mangroves in the Sundarbans makes conservation efforts vital.
What are mangroves?
What are the importance of mangroves?
What are the significance of Sundarbans mangroves?
What is the need for conservation?
How it can be done?
Source: The Hindu
nationalparliament.com 8 years
Being the 3rd largest contigous mangroove forest and 1st single block of tidal mangroove forest there should be a immediate response to be availed to the threatening ecosystem of the sunderbans as a powerful statutory body that has highest powers in the MoFE for making the protection form politically backed industries( as the number is increasing ) a InterGovernment body should be established between India and Bangladesh to protect the Sunderbans which would turn as a fruit of recent Bangla PM visit to India and the inclusion of bodies such as NTCA,NAEDB,NBA to work co\ordinately under the single system that which aims for sole responsibility of protecting sunderbans.