
Cross-border Environmentalism

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June 07, 2018

What is the issue?

  • Emerging environmental concerns make cross-border environmentalism crucial for South Asia.
  • It is high time that India recognises this and takes the lead.

What is the emerging threat?

  • Climate change is introducing massive disturbances to South Asia.
  • This is most notably from the rise of sea levels.
  • The entire Indian Ocean coastline will be affected.
  • But the hardest hit will be the densely populated deltas.
  • They include places where the Indus, Irrawaddy and Ganga-Brahmaputra meet the sea.
  • The distress is paramount in the northern half of the Indian subcontinent.
  • It covers areas from the Brahmaputra basin to the Indus-Ganga plain.

What are the environmental concerns?

  • Water - The subcontinent is running out of water resource.
  • This is due to the demands of industrialisation and urbanisation.
  • It is also due to continuation of colonial model of irrigation based on flooding the fields.
  • Rivers - The economic and demographic forces are arrayed against the rivers and their right-of-way.
  • E.g. Ganga (Uttarakhand), Teesta (Sikkim) have been converted into dry boulder tracts by ‘cascades’ of run-of-river hydroelectric schemes.
  • The tributaries of the Indus were ‘done in’ decades ago through water diversion.
  • Natural drainage - Everywhere, natural drainage is destroyed.
  • Highways and railway tracks are elevated above the flood line, and bunds encircling towns and cities.
  • Reduced flows and urban/industrial effluents have converted great rivers into sewers.
  • Rivers are made to carry hundreds of tonnes of plastics daily into the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea.
  • Climate refugees - The climate change discourse has not evolved enough to address this.
  • Tens of millions of ‘climate refugees’ could en masse move inland.
  • They may be forced to cross national boundaries in the search for survival.
  • E.g. the Farakka Barrage affected the livelihoods in downstream Bangladesh, causing the flood of ‘undocumented aliens’ in India.
  • Glaciers - The retreat of the Himalayan glaciers is jeopardising the perennial nature of our rivers.
  • The 'atmospheric brown cloud' is said to be the reason for excessive melting of snows in the central Himalaya.
  • The icefalls of the Himalaya could soon transform into waterfalls.

What are the policy shortfalls?

  • Participation - The subcontinental environmental realities demand civic participation.
  • But despite being a vast democracy, the Indian state neglects this factor.
  • Efforts at preserving the forests and landscapes are mostly taken up by the indigenous communities.
  • The urban middle class is not visible in environmentalism, other than in ‘beautification projects’.
  • Governance - The Environment Ministry is invariably the least empowered in the major countries of South Asia.
  • It falls short of coordinating the ecological response.

Why is India's role crucial?

  • Wildlife, disease vectors, aerosols and river flows do not respect national boundaries.
  • The environmental trends must be discussed at the regional inter-country level.
  • But South Asian societies are apart, when they should actually be joining hands on common ground.
  • India is the largest nation-state of the region, and the biggest polluter.
  • Also, its population is the most vulnerable.
  • Given these, India should take the lead role in cross border environmentalism.


Source: The Hindu


Quick Fact

Atmospheric brown cloud

  • This cloud is made up of ‘black carbon’ containing soot and smog.
  • It is the result of stubble burning, wood fires, smokestacks and fossil fuel exhaust.
  • Dust kicked up by winter agriculture, vehicles and wind are sources as well.
  • This high altitude haze covers the Indo-Gangetic plains for much of the dry season.
  • It penetrates deep into the high valleys.
  • It rises up over the plains and some of it settles on Himalayan snow and ice.
  • They absorb the heat and melt much faster.
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