
Emergence of Epidemics

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July 30, 2020

What is the issue?

  • Scientists believe that the loss of biodiversity, and wildlife trade, have strong linkages with the emergence of epidemics.
  • Pandemic is an opportunity to explore the consequences of its unscientific actions on nature and prepare for behavioural change.

Is there a link between loss of biodiversity and epidemics?

  • Dangerous infectious diseases (Ebola, SARS, Nipah, etc.) have been transferred from wild animals to humans.
  • In order to clear land for agriculture and development, forests and habitats have been destroyed.
  • In the process, several species are lost.
  • Human-induced environmental changes reduce biodiversity resulting in new conditions that host vectors and/or pathogens.
  • It is not yet fully understood which species have contributed to the transmission of COVID-19 and how.
  • However, according to experts, there is strong evidence that it spread from a wildlife market in Wuhan, China.

Is there a link between illegal wildlife trade and epidemics?

  • Organised crime - Trafficking in wild plants and animals and wildlife products has become one of the largest forms of organised crime.
  • By deliberately pursuing and hunting certain species or by establishing monocultures, habitats and ecosystems are being damaged or destroyed.
  • Threat to India - Illegal wildlife smuggling is an emerging threat to India’s unique wildlife heritage.
  • India shelters a number of vulnerable and threatened species.
  • Body parts of animals like pangolins, rhinos, etc., are being traded illegally to countries such as China, Vietnam, etc,
  • Species are being wiped out for manufacturing traditional Chinese medicines by organised trade networks.
  • People extensively encroach natural habitats; hence biodiversity is declining significantly.
  • By disturbing the delicate balance of nature, ideal conditions for the spread of viruses from animals to humans has been created.

What could be done?

  • There is a need to revisit our relationship with nature and rebuild an environmentally responsible world.
  • Nations should work towards realising the 2050 vision for biodiversity, ‘Living in Harmony with Nature’.
  • One health approach must be followed, which considers the health of people, wild and domesticated animals, and the environment.
  • The high-risk wildlife markets should be strictly regulated.
  • There is a need to promote green jobs and work towards achieving carbon-neutral economies.
  • India should strictly enforce,
    1. The Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972, which prohibits the trade of 1,800 species of wild animals/plants and their derivatives;
    2. The Biological Diversity Act of 2002;
    3. Strategies and action plans like the National Biodiversity Targets;
    4. The National Biodiversity Mission.
  • The mainstreaming of biodiversity is needed in India’s post-COVID-19 development programme.
  • Mass biodiversity literacy should be a mission.
  • Ecosystem integrity will regulate diseases and restrict the transmission of pathogens from one species to another.


Source: The Hindu

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