
Gauthans in Chhattisgarh - Stubble Burning and Pollution

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November 07, 2019

What is the issue?

  • Pollution caused by burning of parali (crop residue) is an unprecedented crisis causing pollution, especially in Delhi.
  • In this context, here is how the stubble could be put to gainful use, citing the Chhattisgarh’s gauthans model as an example.

How is stubble burning affecting Delhi?

  • Farmers in Haryana and Punjab burn up to 35 million tonnes of parali.
  • This is responsible for significant percentage of Delhi-NCR’s air pollution levels.
  • Estimatedly, crop residue burning released 149 million tonnes of CO2, 9 million tonnes of carbon monoxide, 0.25 million tonnes of suphur oxides and 1.28 million tonnes of particulate matter.
  • Pollution is choking Delhi; there is a 50% rise in respiratory illnesses, be it COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) or asthma cases.
  • Besides this, there is also loss in soil fertility and a rise in incidents of cancer in Punjab and Haryana.

What necessitates stubble burning?

  • Farmers in Haryana and Punjab have to move to the next winter crop in a very short interval, following the Rabi crop sowing.
  • If they are late, due to short winters these days, they might face considerable losses.
  • If parali is left in the field, pests like termites may attack upcoming crop.
  • So, already being in an economically-precarious situation, farmers go for the cheapest option for stubble disposal i.e. stubble burning.

How could parali be used?

  • Agriculture is a regenerative process i.e. one which recycles.
  • So, what is needed is to utilise every product in the process and return it to the soil in one form or another.
  • From 35 million tonnes of parali, 21 million tonnes of high-grade organic fertiliser can be derived.
  • The total amount of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and sulphur in the 23 million tonnes of parali annually burnt in Northwest India is about 7 lakh tonnes.
  • This is valued at Rs 1,000 crore.
  • This apart, organic carbon is also destroyed during stubble burning.
  • Thus, parali offers an important source for meeting the nutrient requirements of crops and improving soil health.
  • These nutrients also reduce the risk of cancers in Punjab by reducing the levels of carcinogens in soil.
  • However, farmers cannot do this alone without state support.

How is Chhattisgarh’s gauthans model an example?

  • Chhattisgarh has already undertaken the above innovative experiment by setting up gauthans.
  • A gauthan is a dedicated five-acre plot, held in common by each village.
  • There, all the unused parali (paira in Chhattisgarhi) is collected through parali daan (people’s donations).
  • It is then converted into organic fertiliser by rural youth.
  • This provides them a living.
  • The state government supports only the transportation of parali from the farm to the nearest gauthan.
  • The state has successfully developed 2,000 gauthans under this model.

What should be done?

  • The state needs to step in and engage already-existing mechanisms like the MGNREGA for achieving the above.
  • The Centre needs to allow states to include activities like harvesting and composting in MGNREGA.
  • Parali can be mixed with cow dung and few natural enzymes under MGNREGA to generate high-grade compost.
  • A collective intervention using traditional wisdom and local resources, facilitated by sound administrative support can upturn the national problem of stubble burning and pollution.


Source: Indian Express

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