India won global acclaim for its “Beat Plastic Pollution” resolve declared on World Environment Day in 2018.
But going forward, a plan is needed for plastic waste in packaging and manufacturing.
What is the “Beat Plastic Pollution” resolve?
“Beat Plastic Pollution” is the theme for World Environment Day, 2018.
It is a call to action for all to come together to combat one of the great environmental challenges of the time.
The theme calls for making changes in everyday lives to reduce the heavy burden of plastic pollution.
Under the “Beat Plastic Pollution” resolve, India pledged to eliminate single-use plastic by 2022.
What are the developments in this regard?
So far, 22 States and Union Territories have joined the fight, announcing a ban on single-use plastics including carry bags, cups, plates, cutlery, straws and thermocol products.
In states where firm action has been taken, positive results have followed.
In Bengaluru, the volume of plastic waste being collected has dropped from about 2 tonnes a day to less than 100 kg.
Voluntary initiatives are having an impact in many States, as citizens reduce, reuse and sort their waste.
What are the drawbacks and measures needed?
Packaging - Plastics play a major role in several industries, notably in the automotive, pharmaceutical, health care and construction sectors.
But it is the fast moving consumer goods sector that uses large volumes of packaging, posing a higher order challenge.
Waste plastic from packaging of everything from food, cosmetics and groceries to goods delivered by online platforms remains unaddressed.
A paradigm shift in the manner in which waste is collected and handled by municipal authorities is essential to change this.
Governments must start charging the producers for their waste, which will lead to recovery and recycling.
Waste management - Plastic Waste Management Rules specifies that producers, importers and brand owners must adopt a collect-back system for the plastic they introduce into the environment.
Although the rules were notified, not much has been done to take the process forward.
State and local governments are unwilling to upgrade their waste management systems.
Working on the system is crucial to even measure the true scale of packaging waste.
Anomaly - Small producers of plastics face the ban, but more organised entities covered by the Extended Producer Responsibility clause continue with business as usual.
At the very least, local bodies should consult manufacturers or importers to assess the problem.
Cities and towns need competent municipal systems to achieve this.
All these call for urgent government action and the same resolve here as in imposing the ban.