
Grow in India before Make in India

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June 23, 2018

What is the issue?

Prime Minister’s key initiative Make in India has not produced the expected results, therefore a better alternate to this initiative would be Grow in India.

What are the shortcomings of Make in India?

  • While the Asian giants like Japan and China increased their growth depending on the manufacturing sector, India following the similar path has failed to increase growth and employment.
  • The present time is the age of innovative solutions which embrace both hardware (manufacturing) and software (services).
  • Therefore, concentrating only on manufacturing has cost India four years where it could have significantly improved its growth.
  • Also the employment levels have not improved, even with the increase in push for manufacturing.

How the shortcomings can be rectified?

  • The global scenario as well the mind set of Indians have to be studied to rectify the policy shortcomings.
  • Employment generating sectors should be given priority and skill development programmes related to agri sector needs to be initiated.
  • Prior to formulating new policies, physical infrastructure such as road connectivity and power supply to all parts of country, filling up gaps in telecom and data networks have to be done.
  • Once this is effectively made, an integrated agricultural policy can be formulated instead of concentrating only on manufacturing.
  • Main elements for integrating agriculture are water management using sprinklers and drip irrigation, supply of better seeds, in-farm production of bio-fertilisers setting up of storages and cold chains.
  • Working systems can be planned for farmers to get a minimum support price and insurance for protection against loss of crops and income.
  • When the farming is set up, there will be rising demand for things like farm equipment and products for making a cold chain.
  • Thus, rolling out an integrated agriculture policy will boost farm income, which in turn will raise demand for manufactures too.


Source: Business Line



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