
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)

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September 28, 2024

Why in News?

The Net-Zero Tracker group which assesses the global climate commitments, found with 93% of global GDP covered by targets the world is on the road to net zero.

What are Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)?

  • NDC – These are voluntary commitments by countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions as part of climate change mitigation and achieve Paris agreement.
  • The commitments were made under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC) during United Nations Climate Change Conference of Parties ( UN Climate Action Summit)
  • Periodic Update - Countries periodically report on their plans and progress in bringing down national levels of planet-warming carbon emissions.
  • It was updated every five years till 2021 U.N. climate summit, COP26, in Glasgow after which it will be updated every couple of years.
  • The next round of NDC updates is due in February 2025.
  • Paris Agreement - Countries agreed under the 2015 UNFCCC Paris Agreement to work together in limiting global warming to within 2 degrees Celsius of pre-industrial temperatures.
  • Voluntary - Pledges made within an NDC are considered voluntary, with countries facing no legal penalty if they fail to meet their own goals.
  • Obligation - Countries are obligated under the Paris Agreement to monitor progress and report on any failures.
  • Global Stocktake - It is a fundamental component of the Paris Agreement which is used to monitor the implementation and evaluate the collective progress made in achieving the agreed goals.

NDC Commitments of India



Updated NDC

Reduction in emission intensity of GDP below the 2005 level, by 2030.



Non fossil fuel-based energy out of Total Energy



Renewable Energy



Creation of Carbon Sink

through additional forest and tree cover by 2030.

2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2

Additional 1 billion Tonne.

Achieving net NetZero


By 2070

Why NDCs are important?

  • Control Climate Change – NDCs helps in mitigation and adaptation of climate change at global level.
  • Shared Emission Targets - Paris Agreement sets shared global emissions targets and enables each country to decide on achieving it.
  • Policy Making – They help in making the environmental and economic policies of a country.
  • International Coordination - The NDC reports help countries coordinate their climate policies action with one another.
  • Monitoring – Tracking the progress of the countries and the world as whole towards address climate change.
  • Attract Funding - Countries with more developed NDCs that outline projects, policies and financing needs get internation climate financing without difficulty.
  • Addressing backlogs - NDC reports can also describe backsliding on climate-friendly policy.

More than 170 of the world’s countries met the last NDC deadline ahead of COP26 in early 2021.

What are the challenges in meeting NDCs?

  • Coordination challenges – Difficulties in stablishing a mandate for coordinating actions around NDCs and driving their implementation.
  • Inadequate resources – Achieving the NDC commitments requires huge monetary, material and technological resources.
  • Non developed countries – Least developed countries (LDC) and developing countries though have the will, are at disadvantaged position in meeting the NDC target.
  • Inadequate Support from Developed countries – They are hesitant to provide financial and technical support to LDC and developing countries.
  • Dependency on Fossil Fuels - Many countries rely heavily on fossil fuels, transitioning to cleaner energy sources can be technologically challenging and expensive.
  • Inadequate Infrastructure - Developing countries often lack the necessary infrastructure (e.g., power grids, transportation networks) to support renewable energy and other climate-friendly technologies.

How can the NDC reporting can be improved?

  • Cut emissions roughly in half from 2005 levels within the next six years to achieve the Paris goal.
  • Improve NDC by making it more detailed, ambitious, and credible.
  • Take in the emissions reductions targets for key polluting sectors, such as energy and transportation in the NDC.
  • Include adaptation plans to the conditions of a warmer world and keep people safe from increased flooding, heatwaves and other climate extremes.
  • Add in the NDC details of the projects to be launched, plans for creating jobs in clean technology industries and plans for public health measure amid increasing temperatures.
  • Incorporate NDCs into national law, making their climate commitments legally binding at a national level.

What lies ahead?

  • Reconcile national policies with progress in transitioning to clean energy, such as fossil fuel subsidies.
  • Make provision to enable a country to monitor its progress toward its NDC pledges.

Quick Facts

Paris Agreement

  • It is a legally binding international climate treaty, approved by world leaders attending the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP21 in 2015.
  • Adopted - December 12, 2015 by 196 countries
  • Entered into force - November 4, 2016.
  • Main Goal - To limit global warming by keeping average global temperatures “well below two, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius”, in comparison with pre-industrial levels.
  • Green Climate Fund was set up as part of the Paris Agreement.
  • It is the world’s largest climate fund.
  • It helps developing countries achieve their NDCs and work towards lowering emissions, with the hope of eventually averting the climate emergency.


The Hindu | Importance of NDSs

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