
Women in Unincorporated Sectors

Unincorporated Sector, ASUSE, Annual Survey of Unincorporated Enterprises, Own Account Establishment…

Income and Wealth Inequality

Human Development Report, Economic Liberalisation, Billionaire Raj, Inclusive Growth, Pradhan Mantri…

Upskilling Rural Youth of India

Upskilling, Agrarian Crisis, NSSO, Migration, Unemployment Rate, Vocational Training, Skills on Whee…

Inclusion of Transgenders in Armed Forces

Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act 2019, Armed Forces Medical Services, Yogyakarta Princ…

All about Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA)

Hague Convention, Juvenile Justice Act, Specialised Adoption Agency, Child Welfare Committee, CARING…

Bihar Caste Survey

Mandal Commission, Socio Economic Caste Census, Economically Backward Classes, Other Backward Classe…

Comprehensive Sexuality Education

Sexual Assault, Child Sexual Abuse, Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Patriarchy, Child Sexual Abus…

Care Protocol for Babies in India

Care Protocol, National Patient Safety Implementation Framework, Clinical Establishment Act, Consume…

Link Between Domestic Violence and Climate Change

Domestic Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, Climate Change, Social Disaster, UPSC

Ill Effects of Online Gaming

Online Gaming, Passivity Phenomena, Internet Gaming Disorder, De-addiction Infrastructure, UPSC



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