
Schooling as an Essential Activity – Implications of Ignoring Schooling

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December 18, 2020

What is the issue?

  • Amidst the various ups and downs, lockdowns and unlocks during the pandemic, one (near) constant feature has been the closure of schools.
  • It is crucial now to realize that ignoring schooling would have long-term implications.

What is the current scenario?

  • In the recent past, there have been big rallies, protests, social and religious festivities (on a reduced scale though).
  • Besides these are crowded markets, busy roads and almost every activity.
  • There have been some attempts such as conduct of entrance tests and optional attendance by some pupils in.
  • But barring these, schools have remained shut and out of reach for most.
  • Various states have attempted to reopen schools, with limited successes due to the resurgence of the virus.
  • The recent attempts will also face obstacles, possibly lead to a rise in local infections, and other disruptions.

How different have the approaches been?

  • In the 9 months since March 2020, human interaction in the real world has become a scare resource.
  • Different societies have chosen to act differently in this respect.
  • The European model has been to keep schools running as much as possible, with great innovations.
  • Denmark and Norway opened schools early in April/May in a staggered manner, and this did not lead to a second or third wave of infection.
  • In the UK and Germany, schools reopened in August/September, and it was not smooth sailing for them.
  • Some schools had to be closed temporarily while some (in Germany) adopted mass testing.
  • The UK opted for a second nationwide lockdown in the first week of November but announced its resolve to keep schools open.
  • In all, several countries in Europe, essentially, chose schools over non-essential business.

What does this signify?

  • The incidence of infection, the school support systems and budgetary burdens are different.
  • However, the above examples should not be dismissed on the ground that these were developed countries.
  • It can be argued that they are developed because they consider schooling to be an essential activity.
  • They are doing their utmost to see students do not lose out.
  • In fact, the UK’s education minister made it clear that “continuity of education is a national priority.”
    • The government was threatening to take action against a local council which had ordered closure of schools.

What are the challenges in India’s case?

  • There are several factors, apart from intent, that makes keeping schools open so hard in India.
  • For example, average distance travelled by a student and the density of student population in any school are high.
  • This makes it difficult to safeguard against the spread of the infection.
  • Schools can bring in changes in terms of class arrangements, staggered lunch hours, reduction in physical sports, limited social interactions and year-group bubbles.
  • But they cannot control what happens outside their premises.
  • On the other hand, more than these logistical factors, there are some key issues that need attention.

What are the long-term changes needed?

  • Decentralisation - The school system needs more decentralisation both in terms of governance and planning.
  • Not all decisions need to be taken at the national or state level.
  • Local councils or districts could have chosen to stay open, depending on the spread of the disease, their local needs and capabilities.
  • Social needs - Inequality in educational capability has been exacerbated due to the closure of institutions during the pandemic.
  • So once schools across the country reopen, it cannot be simply teaching as usual.
  • Schools need to reassess the needs of their pupils and do utmost to attend to these.
  • Teaching methods - Teaching practices at schools have a sizeable impact on a student’s social capital.  
  • There are differences between the vertical method and the horizontal method.
  • In the former, the teacher lectures and students take notes and ask questions.
  • In the latter, students work in groups and ask questions to each other and the teacher.
  • It is learnt that in societies where the horizontal method is predominant, generalised levels of trust in the society are likely to be higher.
  • Students under the vertical system are also likely to have lower assessments (belief) of the value of cooperation.
  • Essentially, trust and cooperation affect the long-term growth of an economy.
  • In India, the method is more inclined towards the vertical method, where online classes are viewed as close substitutes of classroom experience.

What is the way forward? 

  • Reopening schools could have contributed to some increase in infection numbers as well.
  • But then all activities have produced such an outcome.
  • Several scholarly studies show that schooling and education determine long-run development and growth.
  • It is high time that India treats schools as part of the essential sector and prioritises teachers and school workers too in the vaccination strategies.


Source: The Indian Express

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