
Deputy Speaker

Deputy Speaker, Article 93, Article 178, Article 94, Article 179, Article 97, Officers of Parliament…

Parliamentary Oath

Parliamentary Oath, 18th Lok Sabha, III schedule, Third Schedule, Article 104, Constitution (Sixteen…

Cabinet Committees

Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS), Extra-Constitutional, Article 77(3), Prime Minister, Committee …

Right to Promotion

Government of India Act 1919, Communal Award, Article 16, Positive Affirmation, Reverse Discriminati…

Right to Contest Elections

Article 326, Part XV, RPA, 1951, Universal Adult Suffrage, Election Commission of India, UPSC

Speakers' power over MLA's resignations

Speaker, Independent MLA, Anti-Defection Law, Tenth Schedule, Article 190(3)(b), Rule 287, UPSC

Mullaperiyar Dam Dispute

Periyar National Park, Periyar Lease Deed, A.S.Anand Committee, Rule Curve, Dam Safety Act 2021, UPS…

Governor immunity from criminal prosecution

Atrticle 361, Judicial Review, Part VI, Chief Executive Head, Government of India Act 1935, 7th Amen…

Religion-based’ reservation in India

Article 15, Article 16(4), Mandal Commission, Indra Sawhney Case, Sachar Committee, Misra Committee,…

Muslim inheritance laws in India

Shariat Law, Indian Succession Act 1925, Article 25, Triple Talaq,  Marriage, Divorce, Goa Civil Co…



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