
Intellectual property rights

Intellectual Property, Patents, Copyright, Trademarks, Industrial Designs, Geographical Indications,…

Patent Applications and Clearances in India

Patent, Rights of Patent Holder, Obligations of Patentees, Bakshi Tekchand Committee, Rajagopal Ayya…

Copyrights and Intellectual Property

Copyrights Protection, WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT), radio royalties, Bombay high court, Copyright Ac…

India needs stronger patent ecosystem

The report ‘Why India Needs to Urgently Invest in its Patent Ecosystem?’ highlights the signific…

The Indian Patent Regime and its Clash with the U.S. Norms

IPR regime, Article 3(d) of the Indian Patent Act, TRIPS, ,Special 301 Report, WIPO, IPAB, Compulsor…

Intellectual Property Waiver for Vaccines

Negotiations at WTO to waive IP for Covid-19 vaccines

Patents and COVID

Patents must not impede pandemic response

Draft Report on Regulating Non-Personal Data

Gopalakrishnan-led panel, Non-Personal Data, Key highlights, Concerns, Transparency

PepsiCo and Potato Farmers Case

PepsiCo had sued farmers for “illegally growing and selling” a potato variety registered in the …

EU’s New Copyright Law

The European Union’s Parliament recently passed a new copyright directive.



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