Bay of Bengal Inter-Governmental Organisation (BOBP-IGO)
February 24, 2025
Why in News?
India Assumes Chairmanship of Bay of Bengal Inter-Governmental Organisation at the 13th Governing Council Meeting in Male, Maldives.
Event Hosted by - Ministry of Fisheries & Ocean Resources of the Maldives government, in collaboration with the Bay of Bengal Programme Inter-Governmental Organisation (BOBP-IGO).
Bay of Bengal Programme Inter-Governmental Organisation (BOBP-IGO)
It is a unique regional fisheries body, set up in 2003.
The decision to establish the Inter-Governmental Organisation (IGO) was taken at the 24th Meeting of the Advisory Committee, held in Phuket, Thailand from 13 -16 October 1999.
Aim - To assist the member countries in increasing the livelihood opportunities and improving the quality of life of the small-scale/ artisanal fisher folk in the Bay of Bengal region.
Members - Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Sri Lanka.
Cooperating parties - Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand.
Observers- FAO and all the relevant regional fisheries and environmental bodies and International Non-Governmental Organisations active in the Bay of Bengal region.
To increase awareness and knowledge of the needs, benefits and practices of marine fisheries management.
Enhance skills through training and education.
Transfer appropriate technologies and techniques for development of the small-scale fisheries.
Establish regional information networking.
Promote women's participation in marine fisheries value chain.
Area of competence - Exclusive Economic Zones under the jurisdiction of the Member States (Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Sri Lanka) and contiguous areas beyond national jurisdiction.
Structure - Governing Council - Serves as the apex body of the intergovernmental organization (IGO) and meets once a year.
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) - Considers the technical aspects of the activities proposed to be undertaken and implemented. It meets once a year.
Ad-hoc committees –These are constituted for specific purposes from time to time.
Secretariat- It is the implementing organ of the IGO and implements the decisions taken by the Governing Council.
Evolution - The Organization evolved from the erstwhile Bay of Bengal Programme of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) founded in 1979.
It has worked closely with the whole-range of the stakeholders including the R&D Institutions to develop pathways to capacity enhancement for a sustainable future of the region.
It has set international benchmarks in execution of programs and activities in the field of small-scale fisheries that has translated into measurable benefits for the member countries.