
Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment report

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February 06, 2019

Why in news?

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) recently released the Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment report.

What is the background?

  • The Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region extends 3,500 km over all or part of eight countries from Afghanistan in the west to Myanmar in the east.
  • It is the source of ten large Asian river systems – the Amu Darya, Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra, Irrawaddy, Salween (Nu), Mekong, Yangtse, Yellow River, and Tarim (Dayan).
  • It provides water, ecosystem services, and the basis for livelihoods to a population of around 210.53 million people in the region.
  • The basins of these rivers provide water to 1.3 billion people, a fifth of the world’s population.
  • The Himalayan range alone has the total snow and ice cover of 35,110 sq.km containing 3,735 cu.km of eternal snow and ice.

What does the report reveal?

  • It reveals that more than 35 % of the glaciers in the region could retreat by 2100, even if the global temperature rise is capped at 1.5º C.
  • This could destabilise the hydrology of large parts of South Asia, China and Myanmar.
  • Regions in higher altitudes tend to warm faster than low-lying lands.
  • So, a global temperature increase of 1.5ºC could mean at least a 1.8ºC temperature rise in the Hindu Kush Himalayas.
  • This will have a major bearing on the ice-fields, which are the largest repository of permafrost outside the polar regions.
  • Since the region’s snow is the source of 10 major river systems, large-scale warming could drastically alter the river flows in these countries.
  • The receding glaciers could cause a deluge in the rivers during the monsoon while the flows are likely to reduce during the dry seasons, with serious implications for irrigation, hydropower and ecosystem services.
  • Also, the receding glaciers might be the reason for the changing monsoon.
  • Hindu Kush Himalayan region is a heat sink in summer and a heat source in winter, and this influences the Indian summer monsoon.
  • The number of intense precipitation days and intensity of extreme precipitation have increased overall in the last five decades.
  • If these trends persist, the frequency and magnitude of water-induced hazards in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region will increase.
  • This is a significant conclusion given that developments in the Himalayas are known to have a spin-off on the monsoon in the Subcontinent.
  • However, more studies are required to firm up the links between extreme weather events in the higher reaches of the Subcontinent and the erratic weather in the plains.
  • For this, more data sharing between the countries that share the Hindu Kush Himalaya is needed.
  • Political differences between these countries should not come in the way of joint efforts to build resilience of vulnerable communities and shore up the region’s water security.
  • Such cooperation must go alongside meeting the Paris Climate Change Pact’s goals. 

What should be done?

  • The need is now for informed science-driven advocacy for urgent climate action and immediate conservation efforts.
  • Else, the disastrous impact of glacier-melting will leave the world at large reeling.
  • Success in meeting the Paris Climate Pact’s target might not be enough to prevent a serious meltdown in the Hindu Kush Himalayas.
  • Hence, more realistic targets specific to the region are needed, with the consensus of all the nations surrounding this part of the Himalayan region.


Source: The Indian Express, Financial Express

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