
Humanitarian Crisis worsening in Yemen

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October 30, 2018

What is the issue?

  • The humanitarian crisis in Yemen has become worse due to ceaseless attack by the Saudi government.

How did the war in Yemen start?

  • The attack on Yemen by Saudi started in March 2015 after Shia Houthi rebels captured parts of Yemen, including the capital city Sana’a.
  • Saudi perceived the Houthi’s as Iranian proxies who could establish stable rule in its backyard.
  • Therefore the Saudi government claimed to fight on behalf of the globally recognised government of Yemen, to actually oust the Iranian influence in Yemen.

What is the present situation of Yemen?

  • The war has reached a stalemate as the Houthis still remain powerful in northern Yemen and the government controls the southern parts, including Aden.
  • The conflict has already killed over 6,000 civilians and injured 10,000 more.
  • Unable to defeat the rebels militarily, the Saudi coalition has imposed a blockade on the country, worsening Yemen’s food and medicines scarcity.
  • At present atleast 22 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, of whom 14 million are extremely dependent on aid for survival.
  • Besides, the cholera outbreak in the country has affected at least 1.1 million people.

What has been the global response so far?

  • UN has reported that the war by Saudi led government with support of America has pushed about half of Yemen’s population into pre-famine conditions.
  • The UN has also warned of a likely famine, if no external aids or support is provided to the crisis hit Yemen.
  • Despite mounting criticism of attacking one of the poorest Arab countries, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has evaded international pressure to cease hostilities.
  • While the issue of murder of journalist inside the consulate in Istanbul had put excessive pressure on Saudi government, this humanitarian crisis has not the attention it deserves.

What is the way forward?

  • If Saudi Arabia has geopolitical concerns about Iran’s growing influence, it should address them directly with Tehran, not by punishing the people of Yemen.
  • And it must immediately cease the bombing campaign, lift the blockade and allow food and medicine supplies into Yemen.
  • This will clear the way for talks between the Yemeni government and the rebels, as last three years of conflict has proven that there can be no military solution to the Yemen crisis.


Source: The Hindu

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