The India Meteorological Department (IMD) will be completing 150 years of service as of January 15, 2025.
IMD – It is the National Meteorological Service of India and the principal government agency in all matters relating to meteorology and allied subjects.
Historical background – Science and Meteorology in India commenced with the establishment of the 1st Meteorological and Astronomical Observatory in (then) Madras in 1793.
The Sanitation Committee was formed in 1860 and the Meteorological Committee at the provincial level was set up.
Established in – 1875 with H.F. Blanford as the Meteorological Reporter.
Headquarters – New Delhi.
Nodal Ministry – Ministry of Earth Sciences.
Objectives – To take meteorological observations and to provide current and forecast meteorological information.
To warn against severe weather phenomena which cause destruction of life and property and to conduct and promote research in meteorology and allied disciplines.
Networks – It has 6 Regional Meteorological Centres (RMCs) catering to 6 regions of the country, which are further assisted by 26 Meteorological Centres (MCs) at the State level.
Preparation of 1st chart in 1877.
Preparation of 1st Daily Weather Report in 1878.
Radar age and flood meteorological services between 1947-1959.
Global monitoring and better forecasting up to 24 hours in 1971-1983
Between 2014 and 2023, there was rapid enhancement of weather and climate services and the forecast accuracy improved by 40-50%.