
India – Russia: Reviving Ties

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May 26, 2017

What are the signs of severing relations between India and Russia?

  • Despite a deep political and diplomatic partnership for decades, the Indo-Russian relationship is beginning to show early signs of rigor mortis.
  • Ties are overwhelmingly dependent on the sale and, in recent years, joint production of weapons systems.
  • The only other area of cooperation that has reflected the “special and privileged” nature of the relationship is nuclear energy.
  • Beyond this, the trade and investment relationship is virtually non-existent.
  • Even in natural gas and oil, where flourishing trade should have existed given Russia’s abundant supply and India’s growing demand, very little exists beyond a few notable Indian investments in Russian oil and gas companies and fields.
  • The deals signed last year, if they come to fruition, could however boost mutual investments in this sector.

How can their relations be sealed again?

  • One way is for India and Russia to direct their attention towards collaboration in new and emerging technologies.
  • There are four broad areas where the two countries can join forces.
  • Quantum Computing - uses subatomic particles for computing instead of standard binary bits, is poised to be the next great technological leap.
  • It is imperative for India to invest in necessary research and development. There exists some indigenous expertise, but a credible support structure is lacking.
  • Russia has been making a concerted effort to pioneer quantum computing, primarily through the Russian Quantum Centre.
  • Significant collaboration in this sector will allow India access to the cutting-edge infrastructure necessary to indigenously develop this technology while providing Russia with ready market access for any quantum technologies it may develop in the future.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics - Indian investments, whether public or private, in this sector have been negligible.
  • Despite a large talent pool, neither the Indian state nor the private sector has made a concerted effort to take advantage of this sector’s possibilities.
  • Russia, on the other hand, has made great strides in the militarization of AI and robotics and in allied fields like drone warfare, which could be immensely beneficial for India.
  • A greater emphasis on AI and robotics will help extend the military relationship into the future.
  • Cyber security -. India has much to learn from the Russian experience.
  • The two countries have recently signed an agreement which establishes a high-level dialogue on cyber issues and provides for cooperation, coordination and exchange of information on counter-terrorism.
  • With India currently establishing a unified cyber agency, closer collaboration with Russia would immensely benefit Indian cyber preparedness.
  • IT, Software & Big Data - Russia’s highly developed IT infrastructure is facing an increasing shortage of skilled labour.
  • Indian IT talent is well placed to take advantage of this shortfall. Russia could also be an outlet for Indian IT investment.
  • Each of the four areas listed above require only the most basic government intervention.
  • If a credible bilateral trade framework for these sectors can be put in place, there is enough momentum for market forces to drive collaboration.


Source: Live Mint

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