
India’s Conciliatory Neighbourhood Policy

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April 17, 2018

What is the issue?

  • The government’s foreign policy moves over the past few months represent an unannounced but profound shift in its thinking about the neighbourhood.
  • This assumes significance in the context of the upcoming parliamentary elections scheduled for next year.

What were the perceptible changes?

  • China - The peaceful resolution of the Doklam standoff had facilitated the possibility for a rapprochement between the India and China.
  • Mr. Modi’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Xiamen last year also enhanced the scope for positive posturing from both sides.
  • Significantly, India hadn’t opposed the construction of bunkers and helipads by the Chinese army at the border near the site of the Doklam standoff.
  • While China has also stationed a permanent force to man the point, India has maintained that as long as it is within Chinese boundary, it doesn’t worry it.
  • India had also visibly toned down planned celebrations marking the anniversary of the Dalai Lama’s arrival from Tibet.
  • A flurry of high-level visits are also on the cards and a summit meeting between the topmost political brass is also being planned.  
  • The easing of tensions has given out the possibility for progress in resolving the tricky border issues, narrowing trade deficit and other polarising aspects. 
  • Maldieves - The Maldivian government imposed an emergency and arrested judges and opposition leaders and suspended several MPs recently.
  • Maldives President Abdulla is a close Chinese ally and any hard headed Indian intervention against him would’ve driven a wedge between India and China.
  • In this context, despite demands from the Maldivian opposition, and the US, the Modi government largely remained aloof of the Maldievian crisis.
  • More significantly, India had even ignored the visit of the Pakistani Amry Cheif Gen. Qamar Bajwa to Maldieves.
  • Nepal – India had rough patch with Nepal’s new PM K.P. Oli during his previous short stinct at power due to his open engagements with China.
  • This time too, Mr. Oli emerged on his own with a comfortable majority and has asserted with confidence that he would step up engagement with China.
  • Additionally, there was a perceptible anti-India rhetoric in his campaign and a clear sidelining of Indian concerns regarding the Madesh issue.
  • But despite this confrontational positions, India was quick to reach out to him immediately after his victory and had succeeded in making peace with him.
  • He had recently visited India, which is in continuance with the tradition of Nepali PM making India their first foreign destination.
  • India too had mellowed down its interventionalist attitude and has proposed enhanced cooerpation across sectors (hydel power, infrastructure, oil).
  • Pakistan - It was recently revealed that the National Security Advisers (NSA) of both countries had always maintained channels of communication open. 
  • This is significant as the tensions that erupted in due to the Pathankot and Uri attacks was thought to have compeletely disrupted all communication lines. 
  • Additioanlly, another standoff that got triggered due to the mistreatment of each other’s diplomats also seems to have been put to rest amicably.
  • Others – In both Bhutan and Bangladesh, the incumbants are more positively imnclined to India than the challengers (opposition).
  • Both nations are facing election this year, the results of which will have significant bearing on relationships ahead.
  • Nevertheless, India has maintained a consistent commitment towards them.

What are major areas of engagement ahead?

  • Transactional Relationship - The softening of India approach towards China will sustain only if there are transactional dividends for both countries
  • India could reduce its rhetoric against China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI) and in return ask China to relax its opposition to India’s bid for “Nuclear Suppliers Group” (NSG) membership.
  • While India’s bid for NSG membership might still get thwarted by others, a Chinese abstention would definitely create a lot of goodwill in Indo-China ties.
  • On BRI, India has 3 major concerns – “territorial integrity, transparency, and financial sustainability”, creative solutions are needed to address these. 
  • Leadership - Several countries are now echoing concerns that were initially raised by India about the environmental and financial risks in BRI projects.
  • This provides India an opportunity to take the lead in designing an international template for infrastructure and connectivity proposals.
  • This would involve concensus building between receiver and donar countries and establishing a structured approach for debt financing. 
  • Notably, India currently stands isolated in the neighbourhood due to its rigid opposition to BRI and a pragmatic approach is needed to overcome this. 
  • Multilateralism - South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit is slated to be held in Pakistan this year.
  • Notably, India had stalled SAARC summit in 2016 as it was annoyed due to terrorism emanating from Pakistan.
  • Most SAARC members were sympathetic to India’s concern in 2016, but almost all of them are currently vouching in support of the summit.

How does the future look?

  • While India hasn’t spelt out its position on SAARC, there is a good possibility that it would attend the summit and send out a positive vibe.
  • Overall, it appears that India’s hard power strategy in the region is being replaced with a more conciliatory one.
  • While quiet diplomacy has dominated the discourse thus far, further progress would require a more bold and proactive engagement.


Source: The Hindu


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