
India's Performance in Global Indices

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August 13, 2022

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As India gears up for celebration, we take a look at how the country has fared on global indices through the years.

How about India’s performance?

Press Freedom Index 2022

  • Released by- It is an annual publication by Reporters without Borders (RSF), an international non-profit organisation.
  • Objective- to compare the level of press freedom enjoyed by journalists and media in 180 countries and territories in the previous calendar year.
  • Parameters
    • Qualitative parameter- Based on the responses of “press freedom specialists to an RSF questionnaire
    • Quantitative parameter- A count of abuses against journalists and media outlets
  • India’s rank- 150 out of 180 countries with a global score of 41
  • Top rank- Norway
  • Reason for India’s poor rank- Violence against journalists, politically partisan media, and concentration of media ownership

Environmental Performance Index (EPI) 2022

  • Released by- The EPI is published every two years by researchers from Yale and Columbia Universities in the U.S.
  • Parameters- The ranking uses 40 indicators with parameters related to mitigating climate change, improving environmental health, and protecting ecosystem vitality.
  • India’s rank- 180 out of 180 countries with a score of 18.90
  • Top rank- Denmark
  • India’s response- The Indian government rejected the report, alleging the use of “biased metrics and biased weights” in awarding the scores.

Global Hunger Index 2021

  • Released by- GHI is an annual publication prepared by NGOs Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe.
  • Indicators
    • Undernourishment
    • Child wasting
    • Child stunting
    • Child mortality
  • India’s rank- 101 out of 116 countries
  • India’s response- The report was rejected by the Indian government, saying that the methodology used in the report was “devoid of ground realities and facts”.

Global Gender Gap Index 2022

  • Released by- The annual Global Gender Gap Index is a part of the Global Gender Gap Report published by the World Economic Forum.
  • Parameters
    • Economic participation and opportunity
    • Educational attainment
    • Health and survival
    • Political empowerment
  • India’s rank- 135 out of 146 countries
  • Top rank- Iceland
  • Significance- India was among the three countries where the increase in the share of women in professional and technical roles was most significant.
  • In health and survival, India was among the worst global performers.

Global Climate Risk Index 2019

  • Released by- It is published annually by Germany-based NGO Germanwatch.
  • Objective- It analyses the extent to which countries have been affected by weather-related loss events like storms, floods, etc.
  • India’s rank- 7
  • Top affected- Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and the Bahamas

Corruption Perceptions Index 2021

  • Released by- The annual report is published by anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International.
  • Parameter- Perceived levels of public sector corruption
  • On a scale of 0 to 100, 0 is highly corrupt, while 100 is very clean.
  • India’s rank- 85 out of 180 countries

Henley Passport Index 2022

  • Released by- The rankings are prepared by Henley & Partners based on data from the International Air Transport Association.
  • Objective- It is essentially a measure of how powerful a country’s passport is, i.e., the number of destinations that a country’s passport holder can visit without a prior visa.
  • India’s rank- 87
  • Indian passport-holders can access 60 visa-free destinations around the world.
  • Top rank- In Japan, passport-holders can access 193 visa-free destinations.



  1. https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/india-at-75-where-we-stand-globally-according-to-various-indices/article65761334.ece?homepage=true



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