
Mechanisation of the Plantation Industry

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November 15, 2018

What is the issue?

  • The plantation sector (coffee, tea and rubber) is acclaimed for its rich heritage.
  • However, the industry is at a crossroads in terms of financial sustainability, calling for mechanisation.

What are the feasible new techniques?

  • India is 50-100 years behind Japan in terms of mechanisation.
  • There is a need for changing the mindset towards mechanisation as being anti-yield and anti-quality.
  • Precision in harvesting through mechanisation is an opportunity for increasing crops and reducing costs.
  • With the help of a continuous withering system, assembly line concept in tea harvesting and manufacture can be achieved.
  • Automation in fertiliser application has appreciable prospects in terms of optimisation of dosages and effectiveness.
  • The potential of drones will lie in pest surveillance with simultaneous spot application.
  • Breeding must undergo fundamental changes as incremental yield increases are no longer enough.
  • A mechanised green leaf factory in case of tea, as in the Japanese model, is a good target to pursue.
  • Use of digital technology in improving real time controls of process parameters will enhance quality and reduce cost.
  • This can be used with specific reference to temperature, moisture and grade recovery.
  • Convergence of mobile phones, bluetooth and sensors offers a wide range of control opportunities and can be a low-cost alternative.

What is the case with prices?

  • Tea - Low price discovery (vis-a-vis end consumer price) is the single biggest threat to the tea industry.
  • Successful marketers no longer need to be producers; in fact, it becomes a burden.
  • So rationalisation of supply through quality upgradation by producing speciality products is the way to go.
  • Speciality products by virtue of higher end consumer price will automatically give a better primary farmgate price.
  • Therefore, grade and product differentiation is the key as certain higher grades produced in small quantities, have high demand and offer high value.
  • Coffee - In coffee, separation of ripe and semi ripe berries offers quality improvement avenues.
  • This is coupled with mucilage (a layer surrounding the coffee seeds with a sticky, sugary substance) removal process.

What is the way ahead?

  • Sustainability framework must be used as a consumer connect.
  • The tenets of this framework include
  1. good agricultural practices
  2. biodiversity management
  3. employee welfare
  4. safety at workplace
  5. product safety
  6. livelihood of communities
  • The plantation industry must learn to run the business with fewer people as shortage of manpower is an opportunity and not a threat.
  • As, employee cost amounts to 65% of the cost of production (as against a maximum of 20% for other industries).
  • So the need of the hour is to leverage the power of global technology and best practices.


Source: BusinessLine

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