
Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (MDWS) - Year End Review, 2017

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December 24, 2017

Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM)

  • Objective - SBM is intended at accelerating the efforts to achieve universal sanitation coverage.
  • It aims at achieving Open Defecation Free (ODF) nation and a Swachh Bharat (Clean India) by 2nd Oct, 2019, the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Implementation - Behaviour change is the primary focus and fundamental tool for achievement of ODF outcomes.
  • This is carried out through the Ministry's focused Information, Education and Communication (IEC) programme.
  • It also promotes gender sensitive information, behaviour change guidelines and various mass education activities.
  • In this line, the Ministry issued the gender guidelines and Menstrual Management Guidelines.
  • Freedom from Open Defecation (FOD) week was organised from Aug 9 to Aug 15.
  • IEC activities Rallies, Marathons, Felicitation of Champions, competitions, mass mobilization of communities across the rural hinterland was carried out during the week.
  • Swachh Sankalp se Swachh Siddhi Competition is another major step towards making Swachhta (cleanliness) a people’s movement.
  • Countrywide Film, Essay and Painting Competitions were organised as part of this.
  • Swachhta Action Plan (SAP) is in line with achieving a Clean India by making swachhata everyone’s business.
  • SAP is a first of its kind inter-ministerial programme towards this end.
  • A separate budget head has been created for this by the Ministry of Finance.
  • This is to carry out the specific activities charted out by different ministries.
  • The sanitation ministry thus coordinates the works with all other Ministries, the state governments, local institutions, NGOs, media and the rest of stakeholders.
  • Besides, the ministry is also allocated the charge of SBM-Gramin (rural sanitation programme).

Swachhata Pakhwada

  • The objective is to bringing a fortnight long cleanliness drive by engaging Central Ministries and Departments, in their jurisdiction.
  • An annual calendar is pre-circulated among the Ministries to help them plan for the Pakhwada activities.
  • The activities include 'mass pledge' by the employees, inspection and repair work of all sanitary facilities in office premises, disposal of old items, pest control, etc.


  • NamamiGange Programme is an initiative of the Ministry of Water Resources (MOWR).
  • It is intended at making villages on the bank of River Ganga ODF.
  • Hence, the interventions dealing with solid and liquid waste management are being implemented by MDWS.
  • Around 4500 villages located across Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal have been declared ODF with active help of state governments.
  • The Ministry has now taken up 24 villages on the bank of River Ganga to transform them as Ganga Grams.
  • The works include rural sanitation, development of water bodies and river ghats, construction/ modernization of crematoria, etc.
  • These works on Ganga Grams are done in coordination with NMCG (National Mission for Clean Ganga).

Swachh Iconic Places (SIP)

  • This is a multi-stakeholder initiative that focuses on cleaning up 100 places across India that are “iconic” due to their heritage, religious and/or cultural significance.
  • It is done in partnership with Ministries of Urban Development, Tourism and Culture with MDWS being the nodal ministry.
  • Designated PSUs or corporates are roped in for financial and technical support.

Swachh Shakti

  • This is an event organized on March 8th, 2017, International Women’s Day.
  • Swachhta Champions were honoured for their outstanding contribution towards making Swachh Bharat a reality in rural India.

Darwaza Bandh Media Campaigns

  • This was an aggressive mass media campaign organised towards the objective of Behaviour Change.
  • It featured film star Amitabh Bachchan to promote continued toilet use, especially by men.

Swachhata Hi Seva (SHS) (Sept 15 – Oct 2, 2017)

  • This is an initiative to involve people from various walks of life to take up the cleanliness drive as a service.
  • It may include NGOs, schools, colleges, social, cultural and political leaders, corporates, government officials, Collectors and sarpanches, etc.
  • It carries forward the message that Swachhata (cleanliness) is a collective responsibility of all citizens to keep the nation clean.


Source: PIB

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Sachin mishra 7 years

Salute for this effort,  ministry wise compilation awesome 



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