Recently, Indian PM chaired the 7th meeting of National Board for Wildlife in Gir National Park in Gujarat.
Establishment – It was constituted as a statutory body under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.
Aim – To promote the conservation and development of wildlife and forests.
Composition – 47 members including the Prime Minister.
Chairman – Prime Minister of India.
Term of office – 3 years for the members other than those who are member’s ex-officio.
Powers – It recommends on the setting up of and management of national parks, sanctuaries, and other protected areas and on matters relating to restriction of activities in those areas.
Meeting – It shall ordinarily meet once in a year, presided by chairperson or Vice-chairperson in chairperson’s absence.
The Member-Secretary shall prepare agenda items for the meetings, obtain approval of the Chairperson and circulate it.
Quorum shall be one-half of the total number of members.
Standing committee – If constituted, it shall consist of the Vice-Chairperson (Union Minister in charge of Forests and Wildlife), the Member Secretary and not more than 10 members to be nominated by the Vice-Chairperson from amongst the members of the NBWL.
Key takeaways from the 7th meeting
Dolphin Estimation – 1st ever riverine dolphin estimation conducted in India, estimated a total of 6,327 dolphins.
Uttar Pradesh recorded the highest numbers, followed by Bihar, West Bengal, and Assam.
Asiatic Lion estimation – It announced the initiation of the 16th cycle of lion estimation to be conducted in 2025.
It is carried out once every 5 years
Preserving traditional knowledge and manuscripts – For conservation and management of forests and wildlife.
There are plans to the success story of Gir in Lion and Leopard conservation.